Why is it that even if your potential customer may seem anxious to do business with you the first time you meet , their interest seems to fade off as they start talking to you?
I have always believed that "business is personal". A successful business relationship is all about building a bridge of trust between you and your prospect.
Your prospect wants to trust you, but how can you trust them if you do not trust yourself?
I think this is a serious problem with many solopreneurs: after all, they do not think they "deserve" the prospect's business. Undeservability is corrosive energy that becomes apparent to people who know you.
This was a big issue with me when I started my consulting business technology in the mid-0s. I had all the technical knowledge, but I felt alone, without backup, no support, and unsure of why I was even in business in the first place. It took sinking this first activity to the tune of over a hundred thousand dollars before I woke up to the need to reinforce my feelings of deservability, and from that develop the self-confidence to act in bold.
Here are five strategies I constantly use to flex my muscle deservability:
1. Back to the three s "W".
business is personal, people want to get in touch with the real you. Get back to basics, get clear on your three s "W":
- "Who am I?" (Your personal mission),
- "What do I want?" (Your personal vision),
- "Why is this so important to me now" (Your personal motivation).
Although I had read a lot of books on personal development, it was only when I concentrated on creating a one sentence response (ten words or less) for each question, I developed more confidence in my company . The clarity I gained from these responses gave me the energy to meet new people, get more customers, improve my business and increase my income. The lesson I learned is that clarity about who you are and what you want is vital to build your deservability feelings.
2. Create an environment that supports your three's "W".
Deservability thrives in a healthy environment. Clean, lighten up and air out your living space - even if it means renovating or moving. Eat right and exercise strenuously - even if it means changing your lifestyle. Get rid of anything that you are tolerating - even if it means breaking "commitments" that no longer work for you. Surround yourself with people who believe in you and emphasize your strengths - even if it means letting go of certain "friends." Let go of everything that reminds you of what you do not want, and adopt everything that reinforces your three s "W" - even if it means completely change the way you live your life. The environment reinforces the deservability feelings.
3. Send the "" monkey mind packaging.
The monkey mind is that constant self-loathing chatter that saps your confidence and your energy. You can recognize the monkey mind whenever you have a thought that makes you doubt or hesitate. Finding a way to stop these thoughts when they occur. One of my favorite strategy is to wear a rubber band around your wrist. Every time you hear that chattering monkey mind, taking the snap and say to yourself STOP! Then say to yourself, clearly and consciously, your one-sentence answers to the three "W" s: "Who am I?" "What I want?" "Why is this important now?". You will find that, with time, these three sentences will become an empowering mantra that displaces the monkey mind and reinforces your feelings deservability.
4. Break habits and nurture rituals.
Habits are unconscious actions that serve to soothe the fear. Rituals are conscious actions, made automatic, that build towards a positive desired state. Habits are easy to identify - they will pop up whenever the monkey mind is at work. Choose a bad habit that you want to let go of this month, and replace it with a conscious ritual. Write down the symptoms of the negative habit, and when it recognizes, snap that rubber band around your wrist and get straight to the action you want to be informed automatically. Connect with a coach who can help you design positive action, knowing that they will create the desired results, and deservability muscle will get stronger faster.
5. False and 'until you make it.
Eh? What this adage often abused it really means it is to move forward with a deep faith in your deservability. Faith is to believe without necessarily fully understand how you are going to get. Take action "as if" you were confident in yourself. Ask yourself: "If I were ten times bolder, what action should I take at this time?". Pretend that you are ten times bolder, and take the plunge. Use your positive thinking and conscious, positive rituals to help you focus on the positive results. You will find over time that will develop a courage that turbocharge your deservability.
Before others can trust you, have confidence in yourself. Strengthening your self-confidence, to strengthen the deservability muscle and provide the essential basis for building a bridge of trust between you and your prospect.
Flex deservability the muscle, and power the way of creating the future you really want!
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