Studying for 1Z0-497: Oracle Database 12c: Essentials

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Studying for 1Z0-497: Oracle Database 12c: Essentials -

Passing Oracle Database 12c: Essentials exam (1Z0-497) exam candidates earn Oracle Database 12c certified Implementation Specialist certification. It will also make them one OPN Certified Specialist in Oracle 12c if you are employed by a company that is part of the Oracle Partner Network (OPN). Partner companies with employees who are certified as OPN specialists achieve a higher level of specialization in the OPN program. As such, this credential makes you a more attractive employee for companies that are part of the Oracle Partner Network.

The 1Z0-497 exam is a stand-alone test, and is not part of any track. To gain its certification only requires passing the exam. There is no training or other pre-requisites. The 12C database will be Oracle's flagship product for many years to come and this will be a popular question for some time. This exam covers many of the same arguments as the administrator track 12c of the database but does not require the same depth of knowledge. That said - it also does not provide the same level of prestige. While this certification would not normally be a direct stepping stone to a position as a DBA, it can lead to a job with a company that OPN can be used to work towards employment as an Oracle DBA.

As with any Oracle certification exam, the first step should always be to visit the topics page on the Oracle University website. The argument UO lists are always complete and give you a roadmap of exactly what you need to learn when you study for the test. The exam will never cover any material that is not in some way related to the subjects listed therein. The 1Z0-497 exam has fifty-two subjects divided into twelve different thematic areas. The areas covered by the examination are as follows:

  • software Oracle Database
  • Administration and Configuration
  • 12c Oracle Database New Features
  • maximum Availability Architecture
  • Backup and Recovery
  • Monitoring
  • the Administration and security users
  • software installation and maintenance
  • Oracle data structures
  • Oracle Database Architecture degree
  • Oracle Multitenant Architecture
  • Oracle Network Architecture

The examination eighty choice multiple or multiple -satisfy questions. It will have a maximum of one hundred and twenty minutes to answer all questions. The passing score is seventy percent. Oracle exams have no partial credit for multiple choice questions, are either right or wrong. Questions that remain unanswered are counted as incorrect. For this reason, you should always answer every question for consideration - even if it means making a response to the event.

Available on the documentation web site 12c Oracle DBA is a manual two days. The reading of this book would be a pretty good start in preparing for the exam. Much of the information in this book is on topics relevant to the tests and the level of coverage is similar to what will be asked. The Oracle Learning Library has several interactive tutorials that go hand in hand with the DBA manual two days which can also be useful in preparing for the exam. Candidates who do not know nothing about Oracle might want to read the Oracle Concepts manual before in order to get a solid foundation in the various elements that make up an Oracle database.

This exam covers a number of areas subject to a fairly shallow depth. The examination does not require applicants to have a thorough knowledge of each objective. After obtaining the themes from the Oracle University website, use them as a checklist while preparing. Focus on learning a reasonable amount of information on each topic, rather than groped to become an expert on every single topic or group of topics. Only when you are comfortable that you understand them you should schedule the exam. Good luck on the test.

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