Advantages and disadvantages of Reed seats bed for leachate treatment

6:26 PM
Advantages and disadvantages of Reed seats bed for leachate treatment -

a controversial topic such as using reed beds for the treatment of leachate inspires strong feelings in many people, on both sides, in for and against. Putting aside the emotional feelings, it is best to evaluate each side and cool-headedly as logically as you can. That said, let's look calmly and analytically positions held and also the reasons in support of both sides:

Ok, let's start. On the one hand you have the "Pro", the positions for:

The 1st point in support of seats barrel bed for the treatment of leachate will be that they are cheap to operate, actually cost almost nothing to run and care for at least the first three years, after which the banks and the accumulation of material rods may require some attention, but that's it.

A second point in favor would have very low power consumption, making the carbon footprint of a reed bed treatment system much lower than alternatives, and are a much more sustainable solution to one of the high-tech The processes that require pumps and mixers, and aerators, etc.

The third point of support will not consume expensive chemicals such as reagents, flocculants, anti-foaming agents, etc.

a foothold 4th in favor will them are good for wildlife agents.

And last (but not necessarily least) we have the 5th point in support are quite good, if something goes wrong and for a short period of time a higher contamination resistance comes in the flow, they will do it usually absorb the additional load or download, of course there are limits to this, but a high-tech process in place would most likely have been overwhelmed by a lot sooner than a cane load shock.

And on the other hand, for the balance, with the side, against:

The main point against reeds for treatment of leachate is that the beds must be dimensioned and designed and constructed with a high degree of knowledge of what you can expect to be treated, and treated with respect, certainly freshly planted so that there is no overloading while the roots (rhizomes) grow and establish radical mass necessary.

The second point in contra is going to be the best beds are built low permeability when the first and put through flow must be limited for the first period of use, while the root growing and developing the growth medium which are planted in a well-oxygenated complex of live roots with a higher permeability

the 3rd point in contra will be necessary to keep the earth flow and short flow circuit through a red bed for the full treatment.

A fourth negative point will be in very cold climates in winter when there's no snow accumulation above the beds and the effluent flowing through a bed it becomes cold insulator, a bed can block the root mass. In this case, the treatment will be compromised until the warm weather thaws the bed, so a keen eye may be needed in winter with a backup method of treatment process in the event of reeds becoming too cold.

And 5th and last, but not necessarily least, consider it against the initial construction cost is quite high, although usually not as high as the alternative type of a tank reactor process.

So there you have it, the good qualities along with the cons, the points in favor along with the points against.

So, who won? What can we conclude? It reeds for the treatment of leachate more good than harm? or more harm than good?

The answer seems to be "yes" to both questions! reeds for the treatment of leachate seems to be good and bad! Should be left to you, the reader decide. Which side, the good or the bad, got the preponderance of weight of opinion?

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