Maximo database configuration of

2:33 PM
Maximo database configuration of -

to add

1) linking the domain fields (predefined lists)

2) Connect the fields in Conditional Expressions (to change the attributes according to the state / status of the object)

3) Connecting the encoding fields (to do nice stuff!)

4) The copy values ​​from other documents (for example getting invoice values ​​by PO)

Adding the attribute in the database configuration

database configuration is used to make changes to the underlying database directly from Maximo. The app includes functionality to:

1) Create a new, modify existing Maximo objects that could be mapped to database tables

2) administer the attributes within these objects that can be mapped to database attributes

3) Administer database indexes

4) Administer relationships with other Maximo objects

Changes to this application may have negative effects on the system and should therefore be tried on a test environment before being replicated in a live system.

This procedure describes how to add an attribute to an existing object:

1) From the Go To menu, select Setup> System Platform> Database Configuration

2) Card search from the list and select the object to which you want to add an attribute. The names of the map objects always in the objects that exist in the database

3) Select the Attributes tab

4) Click the New button in row

5) Add the following details :

a. Attribute - the internal name to use for the new field

b. Description - used to describe the use of the field for users and will appear in the context-sensitive help screen

c. Type - the type of field that can include:

i. ALN - Alphanumeric


III. Yorn - booleana Yes / No value

iv. DATE - Date value

v. DATETIME - date and time value

VI. INT - Whole

d. Length - the length of the field

and. Required - if the field can be left blank by users

f. Title - the description field to be used on the screen

g. Domain - a link to an existing list of values ​​from which the user can select

h. Default value - the value to be added to the field when you create a new instance, this can be subsequently modified by the user

6) Save the record

Once the record is saved Maximo knows that the new field is awaiting configuration, but this change will not be mapped to the database until the database configuration routine is executed.

Enter administrative mode

In order to be able to perform the configuration routine directly from Maximo the system must be switched in administrative mode. Administrative Mode means that only users will be allowed in the system, generally those that are part of groups of administrators, and disconnects all other users and does not do all remote connectivity (then only allow you to login through the server).

Turning Admin so you disconnect all users of the system and should be treated with due care.

administrative mode also suspends all cron tasks running and listeners.

administrative mode can be activated by the application of database configuration. To turn this on:

1) Click the List tab of the Database Configuration Application

2) Select the Action menu, select Manage Mode Admin

3) Click the enable admin on mode. Depending on the system settings you may be asked to enter your password and the reason for this.

4) Periodically click the Refresh Status button. When the system is the admin mode you will receive a message indicating this.

The system must be set in the mode of administration with the user who has access to the system in Admin mode otherwise the user will be disconnected.

Database Configuration

When the system is set correctly in administrator mode, the next step is to configure the database. The database configuration routine associates the changes in the Database Configuration Application Maximo database

. Attention: Before continuing with this step, make sure you take a backup of the database. This can be used to return to its previous state, if there are problems with the database configuration

This can be done .:

1) Click the List tab of the Database Configuration Application

2) Make sure the 'Do you have a current backup?' box is checked

3) Click Start Configuration Database button. Depending on the system settings you may be asked to enter your password and the reason for this.

4) Click the Refresh Status button from time to time. Will fetch the current status of the process and display on the screen. Once the process is completed you will be given a message indicating this.

Add the attribute to the application

At this point the attribute has been added to the database but is not yet available for the users to interact with. So that users can use the new field this must be added the appropriate application. This can be done through the application in Maximo Application Designer. This can be done by following these steps:

1) From the Go To menu, select System Configuration> Platform Configuration> Application Designer

2) The board search list and select the application you would like to edit

3) This will take you to the board that will show a WYSIWYG copy of the application which can be modified using the selections in the menu toolbar

The rimmed functions from left to right are:

i) Control Palette - used to add new controls to the application, including text boxes, sections and tables

ii) Control Properties -. Used to modify the properties of the active control

4) Open the Control palette by clicking the first circle button above

5) drag the text box to place the application in which you want to add the field just created

6) After adding in the right place using the control properties to define the details of the new field dialog box

7) from the following dialog box are the most important fields :

i. Label - the value to display adjacent to the field when you are not using the default

II. Attribute - the attribute name created the database application

III. Lookup - Search any attribute to the field (DATELOOKUP used for data, and valueList fields for fields related to Maximo domains)

iv. Input mode - specifies whether the field is read-only, or compulsory

8) When Done Save the application and test the application directly to Maximo

Warning: the modification of an ' application should be done when. No users are in the use of this application. If someone is using the application the user may be logged off the system without warning resulting in job loss.

Before making changes to an application make sure you take the application back. This can be done through the application Application Designer by following these steps:

1) From the Go To menu, select System Configuration> Platform Configuration> Application Designer

2) The board search list and select the application you would like to back-up

3) From the Workspace tab, click the Export application definition.

This will export the selected application in an XML format that must be saved and stored for safe keeping just in case you need to revert to a previous version of

Remember: .. off the mode of administration after all changes have been completed to allow users in the

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