provide leadership within an organization
- clarify the objectives, values and standards in accordance with the strategic direction of organizations
- Establish links between organizational goals, the values and the rules and responsibilities of interested groups and individuals
- Ensure the media and the language used is appropriate for individuals and group circumstances
- state clear expectations of internal groups and individuals and explain in a way that builds commitment to the organization
- organization address expectations
- investigate incidents promptly and clearly communicate the results to interested groups and individuals
3. METHODS aND ETHICS used to influence gROUPS
- Build trust, confidence and respect for different groups and individuals, through positive role modeling, and effective communication and consultation
- Embrace, resources and effectively implement improvements and organizational culture in the workplace
- Demonstrate understanding of the global environment and new technologies in the activities working
- ensuring actions convey flexibility and adaptability to change and accessibility
- ensure consultation and participation in decision-making occurs with groups and individuals, where appropriate
- Ensuring the decision-making process takes into account the needs and expectations of both internal and external groups
- Ensure decision-making occurs in accordance with the risk management plans for all options, and at a time adequate
- Verify that the organization is positively represented in the media and the community
4. BUILD & work support team
- Assign responsibilities and responsibilities for the teams consistent with their skills and operational plans
- Ensure teams are resources to enable them to achieve their objectives
- Empower teams and individuals through delegation and effective support for their initiatives
- Creating and maintaining a positive work environment
- encourage teams and individuals to develop innovative approaches to the execution of works
- model of ethical conduct in all areas of work and encourage others to adopt business ethics
- appropriate Adapting interpersonal and leadership styles to suit the particular circumstances and situations
- Set and achieve personal goals and results of the work program
- Ensuring self-performance and professional expertise is continuously improved through the efforts of a series of professional development activities
- Take part in regular / networks industry professional groups
7. Recommendations
If you run a country, a large organization or a small operation without a guide you without a driving force or strategic direction.
Many of our great leaders displayed great leadership skills. Eisenhower made great statements in turn, however, the following statement is the one that means the most to me and is the driving force behind my personal leadership.
Leadership: The art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
This article answers questions about leadership and the measures that can be taken to empower individuals as leaders. The article contains real-life decisions made in a real organization however many of the instruments used have not been taught by formal education and you'll find that leadership is more of a lifestyle rather than a simple process.
Leadership has several processes that can be taught, however, I believe that the true great leaders are built from experience not education.
Go to the people. Learn from them.
live with them. Start with what they know. Build with what they have.
The best of leaders, when the work is done, when the task is done, people will say that we have done ourselves.
Lao Tzu
clarify the objectives, values and standards in accordance with with the strategic direction of organizations
through the staff induction we make sure that each of our new employees receive our Guide of the Company that includes each of these three documents. team leader of the new employee takes the employee through the manual and given the opportunity to ask questions and give feedback based on each of the topics. This is done as it forms an instant bond and understanding between the employee and their first point of call of the organization.
In each of my businesses have a mission statement, a company I believe, and a statement of culture that is in line with our strategic plan. To create what I call 'buy-in' I think you have to give clarity to those with the desired values the organization's strategic direction.
I found that simply writing these documents was not enough I needed to 'buy-in'. I felt that I could give a basic structure and a base behind these things, however, I needed the staff to write them and believe in them. We surveyed our existing employees and created focus groups that developed a final series of statements that has become our company's Mission, Creed and culture.
Establish links between organizational goals, values, and the rules and responsibilities of groups and individuals
One of my favorites is statements relevant 'managers need to manage their staff, but the staff also need to manage their managers'. A leader should not have a title, stature has no impact. A leader only, despite their title or duties.
We talk about diversity in the workplace but a true leader will understand that there is massive diversity in the world - will have to be modified over time as you organization has met every personality, the value of better policies diversity or moral. The best leaders understand that they need to be flexible, where a policy can not. My company leaders are encouraged to apply our mission, creed and culture in situations where policies can become unclear and bring the political deficit.
My Teams are encouraged to view the organization as their own and if you identify something that does not work, do their best to solve the problem, but not at the expense of their existing functions. If you add unnecessary pressure they are to be referred to their point of call that delegate to someone who is more appropriate. We strive for consistency across the organization, and this can only be done with proper linkage between process descriptions, a policy, Empowerment and leading by example.
Ensure the media and the language used should be individuals and group circumstances
I'm in a fortunate position. I have been in every role that my organization has. My number one rule is "treat and talk to others the way I would treat or talked to" or even better - "selling an idea to others in the way that I would buy it."
The advantage I have is that I understand and remember the benefits and shortcomings of each of the roles and offer intelligent support for each of my employees, directly or indirectly. When you understand the positives you can draw on these and emulate them, when you figure out the shortcomings you can empathize and offer solutions to overcome them. Any group or individual is different, however, I found that the positive aspects and shortcomings are generally common. The bearer of many hats is a very different person.
state clear expectations of internal groups and individuals and explain in a way that builds commitment to the organization
Goal, Mission and strategic consistency may only be acquired if every employee has the same end in mind. It is important that there is clarity. My favorite exercise is a back-up. They have the goal in mind and plan the steps that lead to the goal. It 'important to document these steps and place an appropriate amount of time at each step. However, each step must be flexible should be maintained at a timely manner.
In every focus group, social club, team or group project I found that one of the nominated group leader is required. Each floor back to the parent company is subject to review in order to ensure the task will be on target and that the strategy is adhered to. This is important if this is a short-term project or the daily functions of an employee.
Before the plan down each member of the group needs a clear and concise direction of their role in the group or organization. This should be documented and based on the duration of the project can be implemented in the job description of the members / employee group. If the plan is backward in reference to key performance indicators with regard to a daily duty as if the role of a salesperson is to book appointments and the telemarketer is not doing the desired amount of more than one day calls, you can break the day into four different sections and give the telemarketer a smaller target on each section - potentially between breaks. I found out that this seems to be more feasible and instant satisfaction can be better motivation for some than others.
I found to be best practice to detail the purpose of the project, every element required and the responsibility of the employee / elected group. The project needs to be discussed is a group hole and one in a format with each of the employees. This can be completed by a group training or through one on one results management.
organization address expectations
In a perfect world, they could - at induction expectations of the organization and all employees would join and follow these. Unfortunately, we do not live in a perfect world and that different situations demand different actions. The best we can do is identify common denominators on the basis of historical data and common sense and their application in our induction, ongoing training and company policy.
Often it is important to cover often policies and strategies with all parties involved. Sometimes this is due to change, but other times it is due to reinforcement. Like a fire evacuation drills - to ensure security for all parties they must be practiced. If the policy of breaking was lethal the government would impose mandatory testing policy.
The thing about common sense is that it is rarely shared. As leaders we will have during the time it takes to interpret the policy and common sense. The decision-making process is important and clarity is important when interpreting the policy and guidelines. All leaders should be held to a higher level if they are to be expected to apply the interpretation of the policy.
investigate incidents promptly and communicate the results clearly groups and individuals
And 'crucial when the political, strategic direction, corporate objectives and or relevant missions are not met they can be identified and treated in a timely and appropriate. Depending on the severity of the violation determines the best course of action.
is just as important when it is taken the extra mile as far as these things being given proper recognition. Negative feedback should always be given in a private and positive feedback should mostly be done in IE public employees depending on the personality it determines whether the recognition should be public or private as certain personality traits run into some embarrassment when praised in public. This can drive the wrong behavior in the future in the fear that the employee would be embarrassed.
according to its policy and type of formal infringement procedure can be started. We found that for minor violations a verbal warning is usually appropriate for first offenses followed with written warnings. As a good leader these policies apply without prejudice. Giving one employing a warning and not another for the same offense, not only it opens the organization of legal consequences, but also potential morale problems. The same goes for positive reinforcement, if an employee receives a commendation for the effort or accession to another employee policy with the same results should be commended formally or informally depended on company policy.
3. METHODS AND ETHICS used to influence GROUPS
Build trust, confidence and respect for different groups and individuals, through positive role modeling, and effective communication and consultation
confidence, trust, respect, positive role modeling, effective communication and consultation are all essential elements to influence groups and individuals ethically.
Trust is gained generally not required. Those who ask for the trust you should never fully receive or offer it. Leadership often includes the will to do any work you expect to do another. If you do not want to do it as you can expect another person to do so? Some employers believe that a salary is sufficient, however, to obtain the trust of the staff is important to "get their hands dirty" sometimes.
Because of cultural diversity, we need to understand the difference between ethics and morals. In short, ethics; involved to know what is right and wrong and to make a choice, morality; It is knowing what is right and wrong and simply doing what is right - there is no choice. Not all have the appropriate moral nor can 100% identify a person who has the moral. As leaders we need to model ourselves and teach ethics living and breathing for better practice in all situations.
Based on our experience, religious beliefs, cultural beliefs and education (to name a few) we can not always seeing eye to eye on things and interpret events differently. It 'important to respect different points of view, where we can not understand or agree with all the time they do not interfere with politics.
Embrace, resources and effectively implement improvements organizational culture and workplace
anthropology- the sum total of ways of living built by a group of human beings and transmitted from generation to generation.
The culture is done collectively over time and not from an individual and then - should be embraced, resources and improvements implemented by all. We can do this through consultation with staff, monitoring performance and morale.
As a leader in the organization it is our responsibility to identify areas for improvement and proposing in a democratic environment of others in our group or culture. Our way of life to the social and economic level suggests that democracy typically involves a philosophy of majority rules. The delivery of the minorities changes is the key to good leadership. It 'important to get' buy-in '.
a great technique that I've used in the past is to talk to a few of the group members in advance, usually a strong vocal person probably does not agree with everything and ask for their help to get the idea over the line. Load the group in your favor, when others agree it is difficult for those who sit on the fence not to have 'buy-in'.
Demonstrate understanding of the global context and new technology in the workplace
The possibility of career progression is important for all employees. All employees to bring new skills to the organization, and some are never identified. Promoting ingenuity assists in the realization of the skills of the team members who may not be displayed in the past.
The need for technology is important as all organizations are making improvements on an ongoing basis in order to maintain a competitive edge requires new technologies and new intelligence in an organization
And 'wise to continually seek enhancements and found that the resource most commonly able to identify improvements is the people doing the work. As leaders we must ensure that we listen actively to our team as it is the team that will follow with our processes and are most likely able to identify areas for improvement.
ensuring that actions convey the flexibility and adaptability to change and accessibility
All of activity actions should be 'the Monkey' (plan, organize, lead, manage) basis. All activities must be monitored despite the length of time they have been in use. There is no room for rigidity in any process or organization unless the legislation is based.
The continuing need for the attribute improvement leaders should be encouraged. All policies must be flexible and adaptable as change is inevitable in all organizations. When policies and procedures are outdated organizations fall into line with social standards and legal requirements.
Equal opportunities has changed over the past decades. In today's business environment, despite his age, sex, sexuality, and also the experience in some cases has become socially and legally required to provide opportunities to all individuals capable. If politics or leaders are not in accordance with what is acceptable today - it is considered unacceptable. All leaders must be flexible and have the end goal in mind at all times and limit personal feelings regarding individuals.
When you identify and communicate issues that I found the best leaders already have solutions in mind. It is a typical manifestation of flexibility and to forward the thought leadership.
Ensure consultation and participation in decision-making occurs with interested groups and individuals, where appropriate
Any interested parties with the result of a decision, whether they are employees, executives or key stakeholders should be involved in any decision-making process. It is not always commercially feasible or appropriate to involve all stakeholders in the final decision, however, depending on the level of impact on the parties concerned should all be involved.
This is generally carried out in our organization through the subjective forums, team meetings, one by one and reserved polls. It 's rare that all parties will agree with the decisions taken, however, it is important to maintain a level of consultation so that all parties can be heard.
Ensuring the decision-making process takes into account the needs and expectations of both internal and external groups
Consideration and foresight are tools that can help avoid major mistakes in decision-making. simulations based on historical data or expected running is the best way to detect any future problems with any decision-making process. The decision-making process typically involves the change and sometimes there can be no historical data that makes it very difficult to project possible scenarios.
The SWOT analysis will generally give you the opportunity to identify the obvious strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. Once on the paper in front of you and others not so obvious scenarios become available.
Ensuring the decision-making process takes place according to risk management plans for all options, and within reasonable time
Threats Once identified through ' SWOT analysis is possible to apply the risk management of any scenarios you have put together. And 'only then that you can really apply the risk management. It 'important that with any application that collects statistics on monitoring, morale and performance occurs.
Prior to implementation, timing and projected results should be decided. If the forecasts are not met or there is a drastic cultural change you should have a backup plan to a return to the previous method or have a change in mind on the basis of threats you identified before implementation.
Verify that the organization is represented positively in media and the community
social governance and acceptability is vital for a of successful work environment. When employees are not comfortable coming to work - they will not!
We must also have a good reputation with a number of social networks, including, but not limited to job networks and local geographic area such as recruitment is important for all businesses.
When you communicate with your audience your message must be honest and have integrity if you are recruiting or selling a product or service.
4. BUILD & work support team
Assign responsibilities and responsibilities for the teams consistent with their skills and operational plans
a job description exists to give a staff member of a guideline for the role you are employed to do. Responsibilities are generally quite big though a good job description will include reference to training manuals and procedures that will determine the most detailed tasks.
Objectives and Key Performance Indicators () KPI are generally assigned to work roles based on KRA and can alter from month to month depending on how they are measured (Key Result Area). If a month is more working days then generally expected a higher expectation of results.
The responsibility has to fall into line with the main responsibility of an individual or group work description or function. An individual or a group can not be held responsible for the functions that they are not responsible for example a receptionist can not be held responsible for an accounting error if he / she has no impact on the accounts.
Make sure that the teams are sufficient resources to enable them to achieve their objectives
Ensure teams are equipped with resources covering a range of issues different.
First, the tools needed to complete a task is necessary. Provide the appropriate hardware, software, environment and supervision is mandatory.
Second, the assignment of personnel. The staff should be assigned appropriately to complete tasks in a timely manner. Two members of staff can not complete a 'ten personal project' in the same time frame.
Third, the importance of training! Unless employees are trained properly on how to carry out their tasks in line with expectations may not be called upon to carry out their functions in line with company policy.
Empower teams and individuals through effective delegation and support for their initiatives
personal, business and cultural development is developed through empowerment of others through effective delegation. As a business grows there is a need for personal growth of employees as it is often the case that the promotion is done to meet the rise in management and supervision needs.
is necessary, however Hiring externally sometimes, if possible, it is better to offer the opportunity of an existing employee. Before this can happen is good to develop the existing staff, while in their current positions but with additional functions and decision-making skills.
Through initiatives such as this, it is important to closely monitor the decisions on the progress and support made with the intention to train if bad decisions are made and to recognize and reward good decisions. Like all delegation roles it comes with the training and supervision if the job is certain to be executed successfully. In our organization we prefer to take small steps that lead to more responsibility.
Creating and maintaining a positive work environment
The coherence, visibility and clear objectives together with a friendly, productive culture to create the foundation for a positive working environment. In our business we deal with the most adverse situations on a daily basis. We have to go the extra mile in our industry.
We have more frequent 'fun' days that may consist of a theme or guest visitor. It 'important to enable staff to be involved in the preparation or in the planning of these types of events. Management always has a presence in the work area so that staff members see the involvement and feel a part of the bigger picture. This can not be underestimated and if have problems with the performance this certainly can not be overlooked.
Encourage teams and individuals to develop innovative approaches for the execution of works
Through empowering and delegating we were able to see through the eyes of our frontline staff. Consulting and involving the staff in important changes and initiatives actually has the power our business. We have found a strategic objective which is congruent to the front line to the directors and embraced 'buy-in'.
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