An abbreviation of the small intestinal bacterial overgrowth is SIBO. The symptoms of this condition include bloating, gas, feeling of increased abdominal pressure and volume, diarrhea or constipation, stomach cramps / pain, especially after meals. Many patients with SIBO have a history of taking many strong antibiotics courses, underwent abdominal surgery, and they typically have fatigue and depression.
Due to the relatively new diagnostic tests that measure the in breath hydrogen, SIBO may be detected now. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth is not something new. Hundreds of years ago European doctors' treated gas, flatulence, stool problems, and pain after overeating. The name of this condition was dyspepsia, which means "indigestion" in greek. In the United States, this condition is also known as stomach pain or indigestion. Many medical documents that reveal the close connection between SIBO, functional dyspepsia (FD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) were published in the past decade. Millions of Americans suffer from FD and IBS; take plenty of symptomatic or OTC drugs. Some of them have a label as psychosomatic and are treated accordingly.
Because the bacteria reside in the small intestine? Under normal conditions, the first part of the small intestine - duodenum has no living organisms. Mother Nature prevents harmful invaders hungry devouring our food and nutrients from our foods to starve us. Therefore, the small intestine is designed for the digestion and assimilation of food and not for the life of microorganisms.
The human body has complicated mechanisms related to keeping the duodenum almost sterile. The first fort guarding the gastrointestinal tract is stomach acid. Everything we eat is moving in the stomach. Our food and water may have some bacteria, yeasts and parasites. High acidity in the stomach kills small organisms can survive in this hostile environment acids. If the production of stomach acid is deleted, or a small amount of stomach acid is produced as bacteria, yeasts, viruses and parasites can slip through the small intestine causing many digestive problems.
The second guards are digestive enzymes of the pancreas and bile. Half of protein and carbohydrate foods and ninety percent of the fats are digested in the small intestine by digestive pancreatic enzymes and bile. Mix of digestive enzymes and bile process throughout the pancreas that is not the membership of the body including unwanted visitors such as microbes, yeasts, viruses and parasites. It only happens if the liver and pancreas produce the right amount and good quality alkaline bile and pancreatic digestive enzymes.
liver and pancreas are alkaline glands, which produce very alkaline pancreatic juice and bile. Alkalinity of these fluids is the core of digestion, in contrast, acidity kills the pancreas in many ways. It is known that digestive pancreatic enzymes and bile can only work under alkaline conditions. Alkalinity of pancreatic juice depends on the content of bicarbonate and minerals within this balance slightly alkaline acid-base fluid and precisely in the blood.
To survive and make our heart beat, your lungs to breathe, and the brain to think that the human body needs to maintain the slightly alkaline pH in the blood. proper acid-alkaline balance of the organism depends on the vital minerals and bicarbonate, which can mostly get from food and water. Unfortunately, modern people have a style of acid life. Eat acidifying foods such as meat, sugar, white flour, and dairy products, consume a lot of alcohol, drugs, drugs, and maintain a sedentary lifestyle. It causes acidity entire body, called chronic metabolic acidosis. The biggest sufferers of chronic metabolic acidosis in the body are alkaline digestive glands such as the liver and pancreas. Chronic metabolic acidosis causes biochemical changes in the bile and pancreatic juice; in this way the antimicrobial action of the digestive, pancreatic enzymes decreased so that the bad bacteria, yeasts, parasites may develop in the duodenum. Due to the low quantity and low quality of sour bile and pancreatic digestive enzymes, the food is not digested, fermented by bad bacteria and yeast, collected in the small intestine, causing gas, bowel irritation and its porous, poisoning interior and all the symptoms of indigestion; dyspepsia.
The third guard of the small intestine is smooth movement within the small intestine. In a healthy situation, 2.5 liters of bile, pancreatic juice of 2.5 liters, 2 liters of intestinal juice, and drinking water, moves into the small intestine every day. Washes bacteria, yeasts and parasites out of the small intestine so that they can not inhabit the intestine. Both dehydration and chronic constipation can slow flashing bowel actions, so there is the possibility for the bad bacteria to colonize the small intestine.
The fourth guard of the small intestine is the immune system. The healthy immune system destroys the hostile microorganisms within the gut. In the small intestinal bacterial overgrowth the immune system runs out causing a lot of allergic 'reactions, and food allergies. Whole body acidity, alcohol, smoking, certain medications and drugs, diabetes, chemotherapy, AIDS, excessive yeast Candida-growth, etc., devastate and weaken the immune system. A low immune system function leads to bacteria, yeasts and parasites that detect faint. So, Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth occurs.
The fifth, very important guard of the small intestine is the intestinal flora such as Lactobacillus acidophilus that lives at the end of the small intestine near the large intestine. Friendly intestinal flora suppresses the growth of bad bacteria and yeast. Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth - SIBO if the right balance between the friendly intestinal flora and opportunistic infections is broken.
All of the factors that keep the sterile duodenum, are closely interconnected so that the healing action needs to be at the center of all the factors leading to SIBO.
The common medical approach for microbial overgrow is to kill him with strong antibiotics.
This may provide temporary relief. "Search and destroy" it is not this case. Kill bacteria in the intestines, no re-establishment of all the natural ways that control the small intestine bacterial overgrowth makes this incessant condition.
Many non-pharmacological methods of treatment of indigestion have developed over time. Nowadays, herbal remedies, diet, acupuncture, hot bath, abdominal massage, nutritional supplements and many healing cleaning techniques have been used successfully by doctors and health professionals around the world to help people with indigestion. The main objective is to restore the proper working of the biggest digestive glands, pancreas and liver.
European doctors have treated patients with dyspepsia, excessive gas, regular bloating, diarrhea or constipation, abdominal pain, and for hundreds of years, using drink mineral water healing. This healing modality is almost unknown in the United States.
There are numerous curative mineral spas in Europe. Europeans have healthy holiday there. The famous mineral healing spa is Karlovy Vary; the small town of the Czech Republic. Since the 18th century, drinking water from the source, or drinking water that has been prepared by the genuine Karlovy Vary Salt Spring symptoms of indigestion relieved. Karlovy Vary healing mineral water has solid scientific and evidence-based backup for its efficacy and safety.
European doctors found that Karlovy Vary healing mineral water production increases and the elimination of bile, increases quantity, enhances the activity of digestive enzymes pancreatic, and makes these fluids to be alkaline. This water hydrates the body repairs damage the GI tract, relieve chronic constipation, and promotes the growth of friendly intestinal flora.
All these actions can restore the right mechanisms to keep the small intestine clean from bad bacteria, yeasts and parasites. the drinking water that is prepared from genuine Karlovy Vary spring salt can be useful in the treatment of SIBO, which typically accompanies chronic pancreatitis, sphincter of Oddi dysfunction, indigestion after removal of the gallbladder, after the upper part of the abdomen surgeries including bariatric surgery (weight loss surgery), and dyspepsia after several cycles of antibiotics, steroids, and chemotherapy.
Restoration proper balance of friendly intestinal flora is critical to SIBO healing.
In the case of SIBO, the recommendation to drink yogurt or take probiotics has no practical sense. At that time, the bad bacteria, yeasts and parasites occupied the gut walls. If the parking lot is full by the "bad guys", who do not want to go out, just Tow away can help.
Some cleaning techniques, how to drink the healing mineral water that has prepared from the genuine Karlovy Vary Salt Spring, colon hydrotherapy, diet, healing, cleansing herbs, and the intensive use of human strains, probiotic living can help restore the proper, natural balance of friendly intestinal flora. It is a process not to mention the "quick fix", and must be done under the supervision of experienced professionals'.
The information contained in this article is presented for, for educational information purposes. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, and advice of a licensed qualified professional.
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