SAP Software Measurement Reports in 10 Easy Steps

2:58 PM
SAP Software Measurement Reports in 10 Easy Steps -

And 'quite understandable that you had a hard time making the decision to procure SAP software considering the cost and restructuring companies on their system. Then, after many months of planning and implementation go through, you finally GoLive and try to find a bit 'of space to relax. But, in no time it spends almost a calendar year, here comes the official annual SAP license check. It will start receiving emails from SAP engagement team members to complete certain date reports. Actually we are ready for all these measurement parameters to count so soon. But, as has already been signed the agreement with SAP, you must perform these steps in due course. So, will soon start working with some new terms like USMM, SLAW etc.

So what is USMM?

USMM is Tcode for the measurement program. Using this tool, you can determine all classifications of users licensed according to your SAP application procured and also the number of powered engines in each system. Then you can transfer the report online, directly from SAP.

Now, what is the law?

LAW going to the License Administration Workbench, sounds somewhat 'difficult though. Tcode to run this tool is SLAW. You can consolidate each system measurement reports of this program and send directly to SAP.

Then you are ready to prepare the inspection reports? Surely we are. Before proceeding to USMM, you must consider the following points -

- Check on SAP Service Market Place that you have all system installations valid. Discard any unused installation or invalid without appropriate license.
- Check in, SAP Market Place - [1945008>DataManagement->SystemInformation] - Make sure you are the person authorized to do this, duly assigned by your company.
- Check your authorization profile on each system, you should proper authorization for USMM running.
- Measurements should be made for the production, development and testing Systems, which means that you must exclude IDES systems (training) and all backup systems.
- Prepare your measurement plan do you think the number of contracts, installation / customer numbers and system identification.
- consult the SAP team regional law for all types of assistance. Yes, they are available and very useful in the field no doubt.

measurement procedure System SAP on Development Systems:

1. Run the USMM transaction code.
2. Select ABAP DEV client on the Client tab.
3. Go to product price lists and select the current price list according to your contract.
4. Select the user types. SAP Application Developer (CA) and test (91).
5. On the Addresses tab, enter the senders name and the recipient's name.
6. Now the most important part, user classification. Run the query by clicking 'classification User' (Shift + F6). Enter customer ABAPer and execute (F8). This will show a list of all users according to the license. Select SAP Application Developer (s) / ABAPer (s) according to your number of ABAP Developer license (s) and assign all other users as user type 'Test'. Make sure that 'user type Checked' completely matched with 'Type User Manual'. If any misalignment found, re-classify selecting all users mismatched and click on 'The selected users now' (Shift + F1). Select contract type of user from the drop down menu and click on Save icon (Ctrl + S). Then run the query again to check all user classification is accurate. Now back to the main screen USMM (F3).
7. What seems to have set the parameters correctly, now is the time to execute the main query, the 'Measurement system', click or press F8. It will take about 5 to 15 minutes to complete all the processes in the background of work, depending on the system and the number of users. So, just sit back and sip a cup of coffee in the meantime.
8. Check the 'statistical measurement' that all the data is how to configure it.
9. Click "Comments" if you want to send a memo to SAP with measurements.
10. Finally, send the online measurement results to SAP clicking 'Send to SAP' or simply press F10.

Now make sure that your router is enabled SAP to complete the online transfer of relationships. You can check the on-line transfer process using the SDCC Tcode or SDCCN, will be discussed later. In the case of consolidation LAW, export the measurement report. Go to the top horizontal menu, Measuring System -> Export to LAW file (Ctrl + F10). Then from the data transfer selection, select 'By Download file' and click Execute (F8). Save the .txt file on the computer for importing later in LAW consolidation. You can also transfer by choosing RFC for Law Center or by email, but in reality as downloading a TXT file is the easiest way to proceed.

Now that you have completed the hard work, wait for the Mayor of SAP License answer by e-mail. They will come up with specific suggestions if you need to fix the selection or re-classification of users. If necessary, submit any of the system fit relationship through the same road as many times as the previous license Mayor asks. Do not keep any relationship in progress, otherwise the check will not be closed for the same year. On the next response from SAP, you will get an e-mail to 'Checking Reports' measure. You just need to check the accuracy of the measurement results and confirm in response to obtain the final certification audit.

Details SAP Software is available the license control and measurement system activity on a live production Tag system of Http://

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