How to Fire a sales representative

12:07 PM 2 Comments
How to Fire a sales representative -

One of the most difficult and critical responsibilities of a sales team leader is knowing when and how to shoot a seller. While terminating any employee is always a bit 'painful and stressful, letting go of a person who has direct contact with customers and prospects of a company can be a potential field undermined if not managed properly. A disgruntled former seller can do a lot of damage to the reputation of a company and may very well take existing clients with them when they move to a new location.

That being said, sometimes a company may be better to shoot a seller of their detention on board. If managed effectively, the potential of anger, revenge, litigation, or worse, can be minimized, and the result after a termination can be positive both for the company, as well as the seller.

Before any cooking notion is entertained, it is essential to review if you and the company as a whole has provided training and support for the employee to succeed. Too often, companies pull the plug on a salesperson without giving them the right tools for success. Even the most competent professional needs ramp time unless you are coming to the organization with a consolidated business book.

If there is a hint of a potential problem, management should take an active role in the daily operations of the seller. You can learn a lot just join them on sales calls to key customers.

Take time to ensure that their sales activities and notes are properly maintained in a CRM system. As a team leader, you should check that the files and the information of your employees on a regular basis.

If the problem is caused by a lack of training, will be much more constructive and cost-efficient to retrain rather than simply discipline and terminate.

Through the process of any evaluation, keep the lines of communication open, and always provide clear direction and honest feedback.

And, it can never be said enough in situations of disciplinary actions or terminations - document everything! Give verbal and then written warnings and be very clear about what is expected.

Ask yourself the following questions if you are considering the possibility of solving a vendor:

Have you given an adequate amount of time for them to build their sales pipeline, to learn the trade, understand their territory, and to adjust to the society?

They had the training they need to succeed?

Have you provided sufficient support?

If you can honestly answer yes to each of these questions, and their lack of performance and / or behavior seems to be the common denominator in the problem, the cooking may be the only choice. Unfortunately, some salespeople are negative forces to be reckoned with and often alienate other employees. Others ask too much and believe they can hold hostage because they have good sales numbers. A seller "diva" is never good for an organization. The sad reality is that a truly problematic salesperson can have destructive and devastating effects of a sales team and a society as a whole and should be removed promptly and effectively.

Having established that there is a proverbial "bad apple", you need to start the unenviable but necessary termination process. Gather your notes, files, and any other backup documentation and to have available before you sit down with the seller. If possible, have the human resources or another senior executive attend the termination meeting. Ideally, terminations must be made early in the week, and in the morning hours. Shoot someone at 5:00 pm on a Friday before a holiday is certainly the way to incite added anger in an already disenchanted employee.

It is never pleasant to sit an employee and tell them that their services are no longer needed. However, this is not the time to let your emotions get the best of you. Be clear and to the point. Explain why they are fired and cite specific reasons. If there were no warnings of previous performance, this cessation probably will not be a surprise. Do not lose your temper. Stay professional and maintain a tone of voice again. Keep the brief meeting, but give the seller the opportunity to provide feedback. Although, do not let this turn into a negotiation, and by all means, keep final decision. Wrap the termination meeting by offering words of encouragement for their future, and of course, I wish them the best.

Whether or not you decide to offer a severance package to the employee will most likely be contingent on established company policies. If everything was clear when they were hired, the question of the relationship should not be a problem. It 'also very important for the company to be honest and make sure that all revenues and commissions are paid promptly. Clearly communicate how and when they will be paid all amounts due. Ideally, a check should be administered before the employee leaves.

The impact of a termination can be profound for a sales team. It is the responsibility of a sales manager to minimize the negative effects and create a plan to move forward in a productive way. Familiarize yourself with the accounts of the seller fired, and notify them by phone, e-mail, of the termination. They must be reassured that the transition will be seamless, and no balls will be deleted. Ideally, management should initially accompany the new appointments with key customers seller. If a seller has yet to be hired, a manager might need to handle the accounts during the transition period.

Inevitably, other employees will be curious about the termination and want to know how the situation directly affect them. To minimize gossip, announce the termination promptly. Do not let there be time for rumors and conjecture. Explaining the reasons for the termination to the team, but do not go into great detail. Reassure everyone that the company is growing and that there is still job security.

If a new vendor is hired as a replacement, the accounts will have to be divided amongst the remaining salespeople. Do this enough always keeping a watchful eye that no account is ignored. Whether you share them with the territory, competence, or the industry, the goal is to serve the customer.

The road leading to fire an employee is always a little 'bumpy but can be navigated without a frontal collision. With advance planning, a level head, and optimism for the future, a termination can ultimately be a good thing for all involved. The fired employee can move to a more suitable opportunities, employees can renew their attention, and customers can receive better service.

5 Open Source Firewalls should know

11:06 AM Add Comment
5 Open Source Firewalls should know -

Despite the fact that pfSense and m0n0wall seem to receive the portion of the consideration lion in the market for firewall / router open source, with pfSense overboard m0n0wall in recent years, there are several distributions good firewall / router obtainable under Linux and BSD. These projects build on their respective native firewall operating systems. Linux, for example, incorporates the netfilter and iptables in its kernel. OpenBSD, on the other hand, uses PF (Packet Filter), which replaced IPFilter firewall as the default FreeBSD in 01. The following is a list (not exhaustive) of some of the firewall / router available for Linux and BSD distributions, along with some of their capacity.

[1] Smoothwall

The Smoothwall Open Source project was established in 00 in order to develop and maintain SmoothWall Express - a free firewall that includes an operating system GNU / Linux toughened safety and a web interface easy to use. SmoothWall Server Edition is the initial product of SmoothWall Ltd., launched on 11/11/01. It was essentially SmoothWall GPL 0.9.9 with support provided by the company. SmoothWall Corporate Server 1.0 was released on 12.17.01, a closed source fork of SmoothWall GPL 0.9.9SE. Corporate Server included additional features such as SCSI support, together with the ability to increase functionality by means of add-on modules. These modules included SmoothGuard (proxy filter content), SmoothZone (multiple DMZ) and SmoothTunnel (Advanced VPN). Additional forms available over time including modules for traffic shaping, anti-virus and anti-spam.

A variation called SmoothWall Corporate Server Corporate Guardian was released, the integration of a DansGuardian fork known as SmoothGuardian. School Guardian was created as one of the Corporate Guardian variant, the addition of directory / support capabilities for LDAP authentication and firewall active in a package specifically designed for use in schools. December 03 saw the release of SmoothWall Express 2.0 and a series of comprehensive written documentation. The alpha version of Express 3 was released in September 05.

Smoothwall is designed to work effectively the oldest, the cheapest hardware; It will operate on any CPU Pentium and above, with a recommended minimum of 128 MB RAM. Also there is a 64-bit accumulation for Core 2 systems Here is a list of features:

  • Firewalling:
    • Supports LAN, DMZ, and wireless networks, as well as external
    • external connectivity via: Static Ethernet, Ethernet DHCP, PPPoE, PPPoA using various USB and PCI DSL modems
    • forward door, DMZ pin-holes
    • The filter output
    • timed access
    • easy to use Quality-of-Service (QoS)
    • traffic statistics, including the interface and for total IP for weeks and months
    • IDS Snort rules through automatically updated
    • UPnP support
    • List of Bad IP addressed to block
  • proxy:
    • Web proxy for accelerated browsing
    • email POP3 proxy with Anti-Virus
    • IM proxy with real-time display of log
  • IU:
    • Responsive web using AJAX to provide real-time information technical interface
    • charts the real-time traffic
    • all the rules have an optional Comment field for ease of use
    • log viewers for all major subsystems and firewall activities
  • Maintenance:
    • config backup
    • Easy single-click application of all pending updates
    • Shutdown and restart user interface
  • More:
    • Service Time for the network
    • Develop Smoothwall yourself using the "Devel" self-hosting builds

[2] IPCop

a stateful firewall built on Linux netfilter framework that was originally a fork of SmoothWall Linux firewall, IPCop is a Linux distribution that aims to provide an easy-to-manage firewall hardware-based PC. Version 1.4.0 was introduced in 04, based on the LFS distribution and a 2.4 kernel, and the current stable branch 2.0.x, released in 2011. IPCop v2.0 incorporates some significant improvements over 1.4, including the following :.

  • Linux 2.6.32 kernel based on
  • New hardware support, including cobalt, SPARC and PPC platforms
  • New installer, which allows you to install Flash or hard disk, and choose
  • interface cards and assign them to particular networks
  • access to all pages of the web interface is now the protected password
  • a new user interface, including which a new schedule page, multiple pages on the status menu, an updated proxy page, a simplified DHCP server page, and a revised menu firewall
  • the inclusion of support for OpenVPN virtual private networks, as a substitute for IPsec

IPCop. v 2.1 includes bug fixes and a number of other improvements, including being using the Linux kernel 3.0.41 and URL filtering service. In addition, there are many obtainable add-ons, such as advanced QoS (traffic shaping), virus checking e-mail, traffic overview, extended interfaces to control the proxy, and many others.

[3] IPFire

IPFire is a free Linux distribution that can act as a router and firewall, and can be maintained through a web interface. The distribution offers selected sever demons and can be easily expanded for a SOHO server. It provides an enterprise-wide network security and focuses on security, stability and ease of use. A variety off add-on can be installed to add more features to the base system.

IPFire uses a Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI) firewall, which is built on top of netfilter. During the installation of IPFire, the network is configured in separate segments. This segmented security scheme means that there is a place for each machine in the network. Each segment represents a group of computers that share a common security level. "Green" is a safe area. This is where all the regulars will reside, and usually consists of a wired local network. Customers on Green can access all the other network segments without restrictions. "Red" indicates danger or connect to the Internet. Nothing to Red is allowed to pass through the firewall unless specifically configured by the administrator. "Blue" is part of the wireless local area network. Since the wireless network has the potential for abuse, it is uniquely identified and specific rules governing the customer on it. The customers of this network segment must be explicitly authorized before they can access the network. "Orange" is the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). Any servers that are accessible to the public are separated from the rest of the network here to limit security breaches. In addition, the firewall can be used to control the Internet access in output from each segment. This feature allows the network administrator complete control over how their network is configured and secured.

One of the unique features of IPFire is the degree to which it incorporates intrusion detection and intrusion prevention. IPFire incorporates Snort, the free Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS), which analyzes network traffic. If something abnormal happens, it will record the event. IPFire allows you to see these events in the web interface. For automatic prevention, IPFire has an add-on called guardian that can be installed optionally.

IPFire leads many riders to front-end virtualization, high-performance and can be run on different platforms for virtualization, including KVM, VMware, Xen and others. However, there is always the possibility that the VM container security can be bypassed in some way and the hacker can access over the VPN. Therefore, it is not recommended to use IPFire as a virtual machine in a production-level environment.

In addition to these features, IPFire incorporates all the functions you would expect to see in a firewall / router, including a stateful firewall, a web proxy, support for virtual private networks (VPN) using IPSec and OpenVPN, and traffic shaping.

Since IPFire is based on a recent version of the Linux kernel, supports most of the latest hardware such as network adapters 10 Gbit and a variety of wireless hardware out of the box. Minimum system requirements are:

  • The Intel Pentium (i586)
  • 128 MB RAM
  • 2 GB of hard drive space

Some add-ons are additional requirements to run smoothly. In a system that measures the hardware requirements, IPFire is able to serve hundreds of clients simultaneously.

[4] Shorewall

Shorewall is an open source firewall tool for Linux. Unlike other firewall / router mentioned in this article, Shorewall does not have a graphical user interface. Instead, Shorewall is configured by a group of plain text configuration file, although a Webmin module is available separately.

Since Shorewall is essentially a frontend for iptables and netfilter, usual firewall functionality is available. And 'able to do Network Address Translation (NAT), port forwarding, recording, routing, traffic shaping and virtual interfaces. With Shorewall, it is easy to configure different zones, each with different rules, making it easy to have, for example, the rules relaxed on the company Intranet while suppressing traffic from the Internet.

While Shorewall once used a frontend shell-based compiler, since version 4, also uses a Perl-based frontend. IPv6 address support began with the 4.4.3 version. The latest stable version is 4.5.18.

[5] pfSense

pfSense is a / router open source firewall distribution based on FreeBSD as a fork of the m0n0wall project. It is a stateful firewall that incorporates many of the m0n0wall features, such as NAT forwarding / port, VPN, traffic shaping, and captive portal. It goes even further m0n0wall, which offers many advanced features, such as load balancing and failover, the ability to accept only traffic from certain operating systems, easy to spoof the MAC address, and VPN using OpenVPN and L2TP protocols. Unlike m0n0wall, where the focus is more on the integrated use, the pfSense focus is on the full installation of the PC. However, a version is targeted condition for embedded use.

10 Techniques to answer questions effectively

10:05 AM Add Comment
10 Techniques to answer questions effectively -

A claim is a statement that calls for an answer or response. On a daily basis, you get to ask to be questions. Some questions indefinitely requiring an explanation, elaboration, and so on, while other issues are closed only requires a Yes or a No. In some other cases raise questions that do not necessarily require a response, but only for someone to listen to (rhetorical questions ). Depending on the structure of demand, the response that follows must deal with what the question is looking for. Many people fail not because exams are boring, but because they fail to understand what is being asked of them. Failure to articulate the question behaves correctly for incorrect action or response. After a presentation, you need to feel good if people ask questions. It may be a sign that people were engaged in the presentation and the presentation generated interest in others. How you answer these questions will improve your audience's view of you and increase their confidence in your product or service. As a professional you will have to master the art of asking important questions, but especially how to respond effectively to questions.

1. Understanding the question - before diving in response to a question, make sure you are clear in your mind what the question is about. There is no harm in seeking clarity about what is being asked. Ask politely, "I'm sorry, I do not seem to understand what you are asking, would you mind reformulation?" You will communicate better in a case that simply blabbing away with clarity and understanding. Remember that the essence of answering questions is for you to make a positive contribution to what we are looking for an answer. Do not waste time. Seek understanding before.

2. Listen carefully to the whole issue - One way that can improve your efficiency in responding to in a relevant and objective question is when you allow a person asking for the time question to finish asking. Some people need time to specify exactly what they are looking for. Responding to a question before it is asked may seem disrespectful. Do not assume that you know the direction of the matter is going, so, you want to help the person to get to the point. If you have time, let the person "rambling", while you take note of key points. It also gives you time to synthesize and think the best answer to the question. The ability to listen gives a high success rate in answering questions.

3. Pause and think carefully - You to determine if you are qualified to answer the question or someone else's. You are authorized to speak on this topic (journalists can haunt you, even though you are not supposed to be the company spokesman)? How deep must be the answer? Pauses and moments of silence show that you are not simply churn out whatever materials you have in mind, but a well thought through response is coming. In fact you can prepare the person waiting for a response saying "Let me think ... Let me see ..". In this way the person does not sit and wait for the thought you have not heard, you are simply ignoring etc. Thinking through also it helps to come up with statements that you will not regret later. You can evaluate the best way to respond wisely, without leaving the person with scars or fresh wounds.

4. Answer the question and stop - Having understood what the question means, your role is to answer to the best of your knowledge and stopping. The tendency to volunteer information that has been sought does not add value for you. If all you dis-Empower yourself. I met people who after being asked a simple question like "Where are you going?" they stop and think about having all day to hear the name of a fall, long explanations that give the entire bottom leaving just say "Oh, yeah, aha, Oh I see." Get to the point and stop. When you always say morsels of information, the lies are inevitable. You can easily start to confuse yourself or tell conflicting statements without realizing it. I saw people who lose cases in court, because they keep saying statements that are then used against them at a later stage of the proceedings.

5. Relax and be sure - E ' Interestingly, sometimes the same question can be difficult to answer depending on who and what the demand setting was asked. If you are asked on a bus from the person sitting next to you; "Do you mind telling me about you", it can be much easier to articulate the question than when you have a group of four or five people in an interrogation room in which you are looking for a job. The same question can bring different answers. In the first setting you can relax and talk about social issues, while in the second setting you almost feel that every answer must be given to the way in which it is laborious and all the positive things in life. The important key to the flow of responses and effective response to a question is to relax and be as natural as possible in your answer. You do not want to look like you have a speech tried somewhere that you are trying to remember. Relax and let your creativity flow. Breathe normally and be at ease.

6. Master the general nature of questions - The most frequently asked questions are centered around what? (Look for the particular) Where? (Get to know the place or position or phase) Why? (Try to understand the reasons behind it) Who? (He's urging for the people involved) When? (Look for the date and time is successful) How? (Want to know the process or step by step breakdown of an event) Whose? (Identifies the owner). More questions are like the statements that call for details. They give an indication in those statements illustrate, explain, clarify, state, describe, investigate, list and so on. Watch out for these words in order to provide an answer that is relevant to what is sought.

7. You may not know answers to every question - E 'a noble thing to leave some questions pass. You are not the encyclopedia of every question that you meet. Admitting that you do not know the answer is not a sign of weakness. It 'a sign that you know yourself and would not participate in a guessing game. I have great respect for the people that even in interviews will tell you "I am yet to come across this concept, but it sounds really exciting" than one who agonizes for the fact that every question you have to answer, and even waste for the next five minutes giving a lesson it is innocent of the truth. Sometimes, in a group setting, admitting that you do not know the answer to a question will bring much wisdom that might be hidden in the person you are sitting next; the kind of wisdom you can never even find in books.

8. Do not always answer a question with a question - There are people who will not try never to answer any other way other than to ask a question again. A case in which this is acceptable is in a class configuration in which a student asks a question and the teacher has no idea what the answer is. He / she can ask creatively "Is there anyone who can help with the application?". He does not immediately admit ignorance to the question, but gives the teacher time to synthesize the response from other participants. I've always been a victim in terms of responding to a direct question with a question. That the birth of this argument is a question my wife asked me what was simply and to the point, "Are you going to the office later today." My immediate response was not about the office, but "Why?". My answer would be a "Yes, I'm going, everything is there, you want to come with me?" instead of a real "because" before giving the answer. She immediately told me "it's better to do an article about answering questions.

9. If you're the expert, so show - sometimes people ask questions like you know what they are in a better position to know the best solution to get out where you know your stuff then provide the full answer required Backup your answer with relevant examples, if necessary just avoid giving long explanations ... where a simple answer would be working in a science class, if students ask to explain about the process of photosynthesis ,. you can not answer that in a line of a note, but bring in your experience, go out and get different types of leaves to illustrate so that students get understanding. Similarly, in a meeting room, if you're the chief of operations then it must prove. you can not have other people seem to be the experts in your area when you are there. Become the authority in your field.

10. Do not judge the person asking - E is easy to think that the person who has made an application is not aware of a specific area. When you are ready to judge you risk being embarrassed one day. Some people ask questions about areas that have PhDs in. They lead discussions towards their areas of specialization. When a question is asked, avoid attacking the person asking but stick to the point and answer what is asked. Avoid such statements that sound judgmental. When signs of judgment come into a discussion then this becomes a barrier to effective communication. No one will listen objectively to what you're saying. Say what you know and mention what you have heard others say.

Lewis & Clark Expedition - Hardships and dangers faced routine

9:04 PM Add Comment
Lewis & Clark Expedition - Hardships and dangers faced routine -

Much more is said about the great success of Lewis and Clark Corps of Discovery-of-westward expedition around the discomforts and the dangers they faced every day without a second thought. In fact, because of these constant difficulties and dangers, they were lucky to make it to the Pacific coast and back alive.

Some of the hardships they endured were lack of privacy, the routine disease, poor hygiene and medical care, pimples / sores, accidental wounds, knife wounds / firearm, falls / spills, biting insects (a galore), poisonous snakes, thorny plants, storms, extreme temperatures, violent storms, hail, floods, lost, stress, hunger, lack of sleep, fatigue, aches, pains, encounters with wild animals carnivores (bears), depletion of goods commercial, and potential deaths.

Ten difficulties and dangers summarized

1. No privacy. camping and the outdoors. In addition, tight quarters of the boats, canoes, and palisades. Finding the time and place for personal needs when it is not camped, for example, for the rest, sleep, time, healing, to make or repair their clothing / footwear, nursing themselves back to health, the haircut, mustache, finger / toenails, and have adequate places to bathe and use the toilet if it existed.

2. Disease. sores, boils, diarrhea, stomach discomfort, flatulence, sunburn, dehydration, cold, flu, frost bite, constipation, blockage of menstruation, headaches, appendicitis, toothache, mouth sores, dental problems, potential pneumonia, cholera, venereal diseases, and smallpox. In addition, poor hygiene practices, such as not having brushes, personal or prophylactic teeth, which can cause health problems. In addition, some medical treatments, such as, bleeding, do not cure disease. Moreover, their water was not always sterile, and Sacagawea had Pampers for her child.

3. human conflict Disagreements caused by stress conditions :. for example, to do their share of work, to meddle in the personal affairs of a member of the crew, to meddle in clashes between the people themselves, not to understand different cultures and their way of life, for a long, tense, or the negotiation failed with the tribes, or be too competitive with them.

4. Get lost. Taking a path or wrong tributary, for guidance are confused by the constantly changing terrain, or stray too far alone or without arms or adequate backup field. Note: a young crew member was lost for two weeks during the recovery of two horses away.

5. Bad weather. Heavy rains, strong winds, heat, sun, storms, hail, lightning, floods, river rips, weather-induced spills boat, freezing rain / temperatures (-45 In North Dakota), ice / sleet / snow. Note: Clark with his slave and hired the interpreter and his wife, Sacagawea, and their baby survived a flood. They had sought refuge storm under the overhanging rocks, but meets a rapid flow increases, however. Clark has lost the plot, shot bag, and tomahawk. Sacagawea lost aboard the cradle of the child (rear carrier).

6. The wrong choices (few) . Making bad choices under the high pressure and unfavorable circumstances: for example, not by avoiding known hostile tribes, openly taking anger out on others for many reasons, for example, goods lost or stolen, to be jealous of friendships / relationships, by feeling insulted, or be distracted from routine tasks needed or the purpose of the trip.

7. Exhaustion. Since heat stroke or exhausting work (pulling the keel upstream or portaging boats / supplies or near Falls Rapids), by freight or play, from hiking on slick muddy river bank / / rock, from Hill climbing / trees, doing heavy work, such as construction and fences of sealing mud, or go underground cache and canoes, and loss of sleep.

8. Hunger. The lack of food in the mountains (candles and foals ate there), lack of bark grass / tree for horses, lost without food, getting weaker by the low food supply when / where the game was not available. Note: Each member of the crew could eat about nine pounds of meat a day. Sacagawea helped the body with this situation by finding and collecting many edible wild.

9. Injuries. Cuts, bruises, scrapes, scratches, cactus bites, leg / arm sprains, broken bones, insect / mosquito bites (sometimes mosquitoes were so thick they got in their eyes, ears and mouth), falling horses, horses falling / same intervention with the pack or pilot, potential snake bites, stings thorny plant, perforated loafers, sore bleeding feet / legs, muscle aches / pains (foot / back / shoulders), bites / claw-injuries wild animals, and wounds from gunshot or knife.

10. The potential death (accidents, injuries, or illness). Fall from high cliffs and horses, disease, flooding, drowning the river, spills boat, sudden storms, or wildlife, for example, snake, cougars, wolves, buffalo, grizzly bear (many close calls occurred during the journey) . Notes: a tribe wanted to kill his body to his tally, but he did not. Several other tribes could overcome the body at different times if they really wanted to. A member of the body is dead on the west leg of the trip, apparently of appendicitis. All others made the whole trip to life.

Although much of the body's success can be attributed to 1) their careful preparation in advance, 2) their vast supplies to begin with, and 3) their, different, members well trained self-sufficient, many historians say they could not have done that long journey with success without the generous help from the tribe of native Americans they encountered along the way. Historians are right. The body could not take that dangerous exploratory trip without the help from the Indians. Yet, the body has passed numerous hardships and dangers on their own.

How to buy a hot tub off in line

8:03 PM Add Comment
How to buy a hot tub off in line -

Buying a discount hot tub online is no longer a complicated affair thanks to the Internet. There are several caveats to be aware, but for those who do a little 'research and homework, the savings can be in the hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

So you want a hot tub! There are many reasons to buy a spa with health, social and relaxing. Buying a hot tub business aimlessly nearby retailers can be very time consuming and not relaxing at all. Finding a good deal on the internet it can be done from the comfort of your own home.

Having established the need for a hot tub because you want to heal sore muscles, they want a place to relax after work, I want to share quality time with family and friends, or want peaceful solitude for healing of your mind, body and spirit, the next step is to know what elements go into the building.

Jacuzzis are basically sizzling cauldrons of hot water. In the early days of spa development, these ships have been made of wood and were usually round. Those seventies tended to lose and because the wood was porous, were harder to keep bacteria-free and clean.

modern units of today are made of high quality acrylic with various reinforcing materials and the support to ensure a sturdy structure that will be easy to contain the water without leakage through the shell. Shell materials vary from manufacturer to manufacturer Jacuzzi whirlpool, so it is important to distinguish between low-cost materials and more robust hot tub in acrylic materials.

The hottest economic tubs on the market today can be had for as little as $ 500. These are generally inflatable hot tubs that are made of a vinyl material and if you pierce the vinyl, which can be corrected with repair kit similar to that which is used to repair a bicycle tire. The advantage of these spas vinyl is that they are more portable than their more robust counterparts. They can be transported easily set up within an hour and plug right into a standard electrical outlet so that no wiring is usually required. The disadvantages of these vinyl economic centers is that they usually do not have their own heater, so as to rely on the friction generated by the pump to heat the water. This may take more than 24 hours on a first warm-up and the spa may not be able to keep the water temperature at the desired level when the weather turns cold. The jet is also usually limited in these types of tubs. There is also no seats in this type of tanks, as usual just sit on the vinyl floor.

The next level of the hot tub is in the price range $ 700- $ 1500 which is roto-molded plastic shells and other lower cost . These materials are not as robust as more expensive acrylic and in examining their guarantees, you can display text that warns of possible discoloration of the material. These tubs are usually plug and play models that plug right into a standard 110 volt outlet dedicated. The advantage of the whirlpool tubs plastic discs is that they too are a bit 'more portable than their acrylic counterparts. They are a hybrid between the ultra-low-cost solutions and more robust centers meant for semi-permanent installation.

Next are those who are in the class $ 1,500- $ 3,000. These are the first spas that can use existing acrylic brand as that produced by Lucite or acrylic Aristech. These two companies supply most of the acrylic high-end for the entire industry worldwide hot tub made from hundreds of manufacturers.

Finally there are the $ 3,000 + spa that can end up costing $ 10,000 or even more depending on how many planes, how many pumps, quality workmanship and extras such as radios, televisions and advanced electronics.

But what is really the difference between a spa that costs $ 5,000 and one that costs $ 15,000? The answer may surprise you since it has little to do with the actual cost of components required for the construction of the spa and more to do with the distribution strategy and marketing of the particular company.

As with many types of luxury products, a product must be produced with the purchase of components by manufacturers of third-quality parts and assemble them into a quality product. Then the product must be shipped to a distribution center and from there to an outlet where more advertising dollars are spent to attract potential consumers. Finally the consumer orders a unit that is then made by the manufacturer and shipped directly to the consumer, or through the distribution channel.

The more hands that touch the order, the more expensive the order usually becomes like every organization in the chain needs to pay for operating expenses and marketing. For consumers who can cut off this expensive chain and deal directly with the manufacturer, saving on the same product can be enormous.

The challenge is finding manufacturers that embrace the Internet and are willing to sell directly to consumers. When searching for a hot tub online discount, find those manufacturers who have their own e-commerce stores. By dealing directly with the manufacturer, they are also protected in the event that there are no problems with the spa.

In home service professionals who are familiar with their product, can advise you on the best way to operate and maintain your hot tub. This takes the guesswork out of the question: "What if I have a problem with my being and the dealer does not respond?".

Not only should deal factory direct, but also find a manufacturer that has been in business for at least 10 years and preferably longer. Build a spa is complicated and requires a strict quality control standards and the backup media. A manufacturer that has been in business for a long time has the advantage of years of customer feedback and product changes that avoid repetitive problems some newer whirlpool tubs can have as recurring loss, underperformance of the jets or even malfunctions Shell material, deformation, discoloration and bubbling.

Most of the components of a spa can be replaced, and the baths that does not foam stuff under the body which is called the insulation, but it is necessary to support a cheaper shell material, allow a easy access to most of the components. The only components that are difficult to replace on most spas is the real shell material and mobile. Neglected spas, the entire hydraulic system can be coated with calcium deposits or other deposits, creating less-than-sanitary conditions and even obstruction in the pipes. For this reason it is better to buy a new hot tub with a deep discount rather than buying someone else used the hot tub unless you know who has been properly cared for.

Dll steam API Error Fix Tutorial

7:02 PM Add Comment
Dll steam API Error Fix Tutorial -

Steam_API.dll is a file that is used by the "API Steam" - a central function of steam application, which is used to help your computer to process the important options and information that many of today's most advanced games will use to run. We found that Steam_API.dll is mainly used to help connect games like "Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2," "Just Cause 2" and a number of other applications to the Steam servers. If you are a gamer, you know the value of Steam for the entire game, making it vital that you are able to fix the various errors and problems you might have.

The problem that has Steam_API.dll is that the computer is able to process the settings it needs to run this file. This can be both down to the likes of Steam_API likes to have some sort of problems in itself, or Windows having problems with his options, and important settings. To solve this problem, it is advisable to fix the various problems that Windows might have by downloading a tool to correct steam_api.dll errors, and then repair. Here are the steps of how to resolve this error:

  • Replace Steam_API on PC
  • Re-install steam
  • Clean the "registry" system

How to correct errors Steam_API.dll

phase 1 - Re-install Steam and games that is causing the error

the first step should be to re-install the Steam application on your PC. This can be done by clicking on "Start"> "Control Panel"> Add / Remove Programs, and then the collection "steam;" and any other software that may cause problems. This will allow you to remove them from your system, so therefore you'll be able to re-install them after a quick reboot. This should ensure that the files will be used to run the program will help your PC to run much smoother.

STEP 2 - manually replace Steam_API

You should then replace steam_api. This may seem drastic, but it is actually very easy to do - simply clicking on a website that allows downloading Steam_API, install it on your system. After that, you should then click C: / Windows / System32 and rename the current file Steam_API "Steam_APIOLD.dll". This provides a backup of the file in case something goes wrong. After that, you must place the file in that folder Steam_API.dll precise, ensuring that it is able to process the various settings that Windows needs to run again.

STEP 3 - clean the PC registry

, you need to clean the registry because it is a huge reason Steam_API.dll of the error. The registry is what Windows uses to help him develop a set of important settings and options. Although it is constantly used to help charge everything from your latest emails to your desktop wallpaper settings, it is often to be corrupted - leading your computer to run much less reliable and consequently problems. In order to fix many of the problems that a computer can have, you should use a registry cleaner to scan through your system and resolve the various issues in there.

We recommend the use of a program called "Frontline Registry Cleaner" to correct the mistakes he Steam_API.dll. It is a popular registry repair tool, which was created to help you remove the various problems that your system may have inside.

10 Considerations for choosing suppliers

6:01 PM Add Comment
10 Considerations for choosing suppliers -

A supplier is an important element of every company. A vendor could be a provider of good or services that the company in turn sells it or adds value. The quality of business suppliers has a direct impact or influence the quality of the service offered. It 'important to choose the right supplier for the right reasons. While you can have one-off from time to time suppliers, it is more risky since there is no guarantee of service level defined and long-term commitment. These suppliers are to be avoided as much as possible. In some companies, procurement is done only from a list of registered suppliers monitored that would meet the stringent criteria and monitoring. You can easily find any type of provider. When you bring the considerations and conditions you can easily sift and select suppliers that meet the standards and status of your organization. There is a vendor for all sizes and activity class. Not all suppliers that there is a real partner to rely on and build your business on. Below are considerations and suggestions that will help you get the best work with the company suppliers.

1. Capacity provider and reliability - In what so is the organization that you are considering as a supplier able to meet your needs. How long have they been in operation? What is their production capacity and the level of pressure that are already under their existing customers? Consider the reliability and track record of the company may have. You may need to speak to other customers who have already started using the services of this particular vendor to get a second or third opinion. No traceable references are left to assume that the provider is reliable. also consider inventory levels that the supplier keeps at a given time. This will tell you if your order will be immediately satisfied the next time you order. Some suppliers have not even hold stock, they only order from their suppliers once they get an order in which they are experts of cases delays that might affect the way you deliver services to its customers. It is important to note that the reliability on the lack of it by its suppliers has a direct impact on the reliability of the structure. One can not help customers fully with unreliable suppliers which are not sure of finding the same place the next time you visit them. Take the time to cut off those who you constantly disappointed.

2. Business Value System - The system of values ​​ a business tells you what they believe in and their work ethic in general. Always study the systems of values ​​and choose suppliers who seem to live according to their value in real life. The values ​​become habits and character defining the people who serve you. However, some suppliers just hang the values ​​on the wall and that's where it all ends. A company would have preferred to have three values ​​that sustain and live for more than ten have flowered values ​​that remain no real imagination. Are the values ​​in any way that tells you nothing about service delivery, customer care, etc.? Find a provider that matches your values ​​and beliefs. A supplier that does not cut corners in a bit 'to make a sale. A supplier who prefer to lose the order to supply imitations that claim to be providing original.

3. The quality of the products - Most organizations thrive because they offer quality products. You business growth can have the sales people who are very jovial, with a positive attitude, smiling all the time, but if the range of products you are dealing leaves much to be desired in terms of quality of service then your Mars all. No one will ever want to resell products that are not tested and tested. One thing that most customers do not have to deal with comebacks or return this impacts on profitability and reputation. I noticed that whenever I have provided goods and services to a client, and there are some concerns and comebacks, I had to work overtime to keep that customer that where I gave a product or a high quality service. In these cases, customers have come out and spoken highly of my work and, in turn, has become my people of silent sales.

4. Credit terms - the payment options that supplier providing help them to retain and serve their customers satisfactorily. Most of the customers are not keen on party with cash the same day you receive the goods or services. Customers need time to process the payment and be able to strengthen their cash flows through these legal delays in payments. While credit conditions are attractive, some customers tend to abuse of such facilities to be extended beyond their credit payments. If you select a supplier, always agree on reasonable credit line as 7 to 14 days, which is not too short or too long. It gives a win-win scenario. Realize that you too can have clients that require the same credit line. Where vendors refuse to give such terms, then it is also necessary to tighten the cash flow position, ensuring that customers pay as deliver the goods. I have seen the collapse of companies in the burden of having to fund other companies around because they simply wanted orders and debtors. It is best not to have the order if you do not get terms and your customers are putting pressure to the terms. You can only give away what you have been given.

5. Proximity and Distance - This is a important consideration. You could have suppliers in other continents outside of their own. Realize that there is a delay in shipping that occurs between the time you place an order and get the order in his room stock. You may need to keep in touch with suppliers that also next in case you run out and receive urgent orders. In a handle imports properly you may be able to get all your material from other continents. In that scenario, distance is no longer a problem. But the advantage of dealing with small local suppliers is that you have a backup plan and, in the case of returns, it is an easier process to get the product to the supplier without high transport costs

6. competitive prices - companies want to be [1945004profitable]. After all, the reason why businesses exist is to achieve a consistent solid profit for the benefit of investors and all stakeholders. One way to increase profits is to ensure that you do not needlessly buy expensive inputs from suppliers. Having registered suppliers and also a consistent relationship with existing suppliers allows the customer to leverage on prices. They can negotiate bulk purchasing discounts. In most companies, even after selecting a pool of suppliers to address both locally and abroad, there is one for the supply of personnel policy to get 3 estimates for the same product from different suppliers. The difference of $ 5 to it make a difference in the determination of prices of the same product. The objective is to ensure that they get the best possible price for transmitting the same benefit to the end user.

7. Problems Warranty - One thing to provide a product and it is a completely different game to ensure that there is a valid warranty on it. Make it clear how you buy the product you want to warranty card or certificate. You can only give a guarantee to your customers on the basis of the guarantee given to you by the manufacturer. This is where paying attention to detail is paramount. You must be able to return the product if it fails to deliver what the manufacturer claims to be the right of life and performance capabilities. The guarantee shall not assume, but be in writing. If you purchased from the local channel, it is easier to process the guarantee that in situations where you go to channels or alternative markets. I had a rude awakening once when I established a supplier in the United States of America during the execution of a business in Zimbabwe. It took two weeks for the huge car to get to my office. The machine was delivered to the customer immediately. After two weeks, the huge machine failed and had to go back to my office. Because I had bought the car through established channels, I had to send the machine in America. The cost of shipping alone is equal to the profit that I had received a few weeks before. Not worth the effort; rather focus on a channel that honors international warranty.

8. After-sales service - Depending on nature of the product that you intend to be obtain from a supplier, you need to determine what happens when you have sold the items and it is now necessary support and technical assistance. always evaluate the ability to support you after the sale was made. Similarly it is also necessary to develop or hire the expertise to ensure they offer the first level of support and maintenance of the equipment that you are selling.

9. To date range of products - Like until today is the product range that your provider gives you. There are always new products being developed every day if the supplier sticks to the old range, pretty soon your company will be left behind. Technological advances have meant that new versions of the best effective products, faster, more efficient and convenient come to market. The objective is to make the most modern products available on the market at competitive prices. This is made possible because companies invest in research to ensure they do the same if not better products at a lower cost all the time. Sometimes it is good to work with a vendor that has a wider range of choices of where a range is marketed. The wider the range the more choice you have available to yourself to choose.

10. delivery Minor - efficiency systems - When choosing suppliers that you need to consider how long you normally have to wait for your order, or for queries to be answered. Some companies grow to levels where they can no longer make individual promises to customers and stick to them. They are left unsure of whether placement of an order is obtained instantly, after 3 days or 3 weeks. The customers usually dictate the delivery time they need from you. In case there are delays in service, strive to communicate with the customer as much as possible to ensure that the lead time problems do not affect their loyalty to their services. Partner with suppliers that have efficient systems. I usually get annoyed when I have to wait for 20 minutes as the red ribbon in a company is willing. All I want in most cases is to pay, obtain a product with my receipt or invoice. If the internal processes of the supplier that you are

Always dreamed of being a Sportscaster? Here's a day in the life of your dream job

5:00 PM Add Comment
Always dreamed of being a Sportscaster? Here's a day in the life of your dream job -

asked me some form of the following questions almost every day:

"How to be a sports anchor and journalist? "Fun but hard.

"How did you get into this business?" Long story.

"Have you always wanted to do this?" Yes. This and more.

But increasingly, people who want to enter the world of sports media think that we spend our days cheering at games, puffing champagne with the owners and chest bumps athletes. Not exactly.

Take on Easter Sunday of 2013, for example. Photographer Bill Ellis and I left San Antonio at 10.30, where the Rangers had just completed their training program spring with a series of two-game against the Padres. Our final destination? Houston for the opening of the season between the Rangers and Astros on Sunday night.

This is a typical "day in the life", which includes everything from hot dogs to a stale drunken bum Astros fans run our live shot:

7: 30 am :. Wake up

08:00: Head to the hotel lobby to FaceTime with my daughter and husband.

08:15 :. Workout for 45 minutes that I'm always fighting, in which more than 10 pounds in a camera adds.

09:00: Breakfast and blogging about things to do in Houston.

10:00: Back to the room to pack .

10:30: Departure to Houston

13:30 :. Arrival at Hilton Americas start getting immediately with big hair dress and TV anchor trick.

14:45: Lets Minute Maid Park . It is about 8/10 of a mile away, so we walk.

03:00: Arrival at the park, getting credentials, pass through security and get lost in the bowels of the hotel trying to find the Rangers clubhouse. He speaks to the producer at the station about our plan for the evening.

3:30 pm: open Rangers clubhouse We interview David Murphy, Lance Berkman, Mitch Moreland and Ian Kinsler .. Adrian Beltre and AJ Pierzynski turn us down for interviews.

16:30: Interview Ron Washington amid a gaggle of reporters on the sidelines Rangers. Once finished with Wash, start shooting video and collection of interviews with fans for our story on the day that will air on the score of CBS11 later that night opening.

17:15: fight our way upstairs Print box to see if there is a place for we watch the game and space to Bill equipment set to start editing our history. No space, as they are at the maximum capacity. The journalists are sitting in the dining room and to spare tables in the hallway. Bill and I go down to find a space to work.

17:30: open a store in Astros press room on the completely opposite side of the clubhouse Rangers Park, about four minutes walk. I start recording audio and video to write my story.

18:00 :. Done to write the story It 's time to express the sound. There is no ideal test area for sound record audio, so you use the background Astros cloth press conference to muffle the sound. A photographer from a Houston station leaves the room in the middle of our monitoring session, in order to start over. Repeatedly. It takes me three or four tries to get the recorded audio. Now it's freezing in the press room. Bill and I have chills. There is no cell service in this room. We have to leave the room and walk to the lobby for text messages or phone calls. Fortunately Wi-Fi signal of the building works in this room.

18:20: Both of us are dying of hunger . I trudge back to the press room to get something to eat. Bill is hungry, but want to change this story and get it done. He asks me to do him a pretzel.

18:30: Purchase dinner means $ 10. I broke my fork trying to cut the meat offered. I take about three bites of everything: iceberg lettuce freezing, tough meat and potatoes fat. I try popcorn. And 'stale. The frozen yogurt is not bad. I leave to get pretzel Bill. Each kiosk is packed. With the time I have waited my 22 minutes and reach the counter for her pretzel, this particular stand is short of them. I try to text Bill to see if he wants something else. He does not get the text because of the bad cell signal. The march back to the press box to grab one of the three hot dogs left on the rotisserie. It seems like it's been sitting there for four hours.

19:45: Finally back to our base in the bowels of Minute Maid Park. Bill gets his hot dogs cold. I finally had a chance to watch the game on a TV in the press conference room. I actually do not see a single person pitch. The Astros radio broadcast is routed through the TV. I use my MLB at Bat app to listen to Eric Nadel and Matt Hicks. In a rush to leave my hotel room, I leave my iPad charger in the room. I have to preserve the battery life to use my iPad later in the evening, so can not listen continuously.

21:55: Beginning of the 9th inning . We walk for the Rangers clubhouse to prepare for post-match interviews

10:05 pm: I seem to require more time than usual to join the club after the Rangers 8-2 loss. We enter the office of Washington. Rangers PR guy John Blake says that television journalists can ask questions first, followed by print media, but each person means tiny office packs of Washington. I ask two questions and leave.

10:30 Interview Matt Harrison, Derek Lowe and AJ Pierzynski. Get interviews 1-on-1 with Nelson Cruz, Elvis Andrus and David Murphy. Bill points out it's getting late and we needed to leave for our position shot live.

10:50: Arrival to live shot position outside Minute Maid Park. We need to feed back the interviews that we have collected. We are working with our "sister station" Houston KTRK. Their technology is not compatible with ours so we have to feed our material for the second time with our "backup" equipment brought with us from Dallas. The video quality is not great.

11:00 to touch her hair and makeup to shot live. Start collecting my thoughts to determine how I am going to introduce my sound post game and story that we shot earlier in the day. A nice young lady from Dallas to me starts to how to get into sports broadcasting business. I chat with her for about 10 minutes. I only spent five solid minutes to prepare what to say before I am on television

11:15: In place for our living shot. A fan above served shouts to us "Back to Arlington!" His wife drags him away. Bill is still material supply for our station. A photographer from KTRK is shooting my shot live. There is a monster truck cruising up and down the street behind us while sitting on his horn. Once I start by introducing my postgame interviews, I noticed the photographer KTRK shaking his head "no." I feel an air brush over my right shoulder. With the left corner of my eye I see Bill running towards me. Pushes an Astros fan drunk off the road. Bill says that this guy was charging towards us. I turn briefly to see what's going on. I think I stumble on my introduction.

11:19: Our live shot is more than . Bill can not believe that guy came out of nowhere. My heart is still pounding because I freaked out so much. We break down our equipment and walk back to Hilton.

11:45: Arrival at the hotel We are dying of hunger .. Still. There is only one Easter basket leftovers from the hunt hotel eggs with butter miniature cup candy Peanut some Reese. Grab are one of them and go to the emergency for my "second dinner". Bill then tells me that she ordered room service. And finally it arrives at 12:45. $ 42.50 for a chicken sandwich and carrot cake.

Monday morning:

08:00: Drive to Dallas and write this post in the car on the way home.

South :. I get home My daughter runs away when I try to embrace it. I believe that despite FaceTime, has forgotten me.

Although we are not always on the road, we travel a fair amount. Actually our days are jam-packed with a little 'closer when we're at home. Long days with unexpected surprises and a couple of bumps are the norm. It is an easy job? No. Is it fun? No questions. We would not have it any other way ... except the non-hug from Jordan.

Where did you dance Come From?

3:59 PM Add Comment
Where did you dance Come From? -

Have you ever wondered why people dance? Lately, with shows like Dancing with the Stars, dancing has taken on a whole new meaning. When we look back at the history of the dance, not many people can definitely say where or when the dance originated or when we really became a part of human culture. Ancient history tells us, however, that the dance was an important part of ceremony, rituals, celebrations and entertainment since before the birth of the first human civilizations. According to Wikipedia, archeology provides dance traces the prehistory, as Egyptian tomb paintings depicting dancing figures from about 3300 BC. One of the first forms of dance, Wikipedia continues, it may have been in performance and in the telling of myths. E 'was also sometimes used to show feelings for the opposite sex. There are also some who would dare to believe that the '' art 'to make real love is in itself a form of dance. Before the production of written languages, dance was often used as the main method for passing from generation to generation stories.

Nowadays, people tend to dance for a variety of reasons, usually just to have fun. However, there are some people who go to school to learn more about this art form. There are also a variety of different styles of dance that still exist. For example, some of these dance forms include ballet, tap, jazz, lyrical, ballroom, latin, dance highland and Irish dancing, to name a few. Dance varies from culture to culture, and there are actually professional dance competitions that take place in which the dancers can compete against each other and showcase the different styles they have learned. Not many people stop to think too long or hard about it, but the dance is all around us. We see it in television commercials, in children who are learning to walk, to high school dances, weddings, parties, dance schools, shows or even in your kitchen. There are also many added benefits to the dance now, that maybe have not been considered before. For example, many people today take dance lessons as a way to socialize and meet new people.

A growing number of people are joining even the subscription classes in a gym where there is "aerobic dance", where he teaches a choreography while incorporating training moves into the routine for a total workout- body as well dance it can be useful in a number of ways, among which are always in shape! If you are serious about dance, there are careers for it, even if these careers are usually very competitive. For example, if you want to be a backup dancer for Janet Jackson's entourage, it would have to go through numerous hearings and even then, you still might not get picked. There are other related dance occupations that people tend to fall into, though. These occupations include some of the following: dance teacher, dance sport coach, dance therapist and choreographer. If you're thinking of becoming a professional dancer, sometimes it is not as easy as you think. It can sometimes be expensive, you have to put in many hours of practice and you must also maintain a high level of fitness.

SAP Software Measurement Reports in 10 Easy Steps

2:58 PM Add Comment
SAP Software Measurement Reports in 10 Easy Steps -

And 'quite understandable that you had a hard time making the decision to procure SAP software considering the cost and restructuring companies on their system. Then, after many months of planning and implementation go through, you finally GoLive and try to find a bit 'of space to relax. But, in no time it spends almost a calendar year, here comes the official annual SAP license check. It will start receiving emails from SAP engagement team members to complete certain date reports. Actually we are ready for all these measurement parameters to count so soon. But, as has already been signed the agreement with SAP, you must perform these steps in due course. So, will soon start working with some new terms like USMM, SLAW etc.

So what is USMM?

USMM is Tcode for the measurement program. Using this tool, you can determine all classifications of users licensed according to your SAP application procured and also the number of powered engines in each system. Then you can transfer the report online, directly from SAP.

Now, what is the law?

LAW going to the License Administration Workbench, sounds somewhat 'difficult though. Tcode to run this tool is SLAW. You can consolidate each system measurement reports of this program and send directly to SAP.

Then you are ready to prepare the inspection reports? Surely we are. Before proceeding to USMM, you must consider the following points -

- Check on SAP Service Market Place that you have all system installations valid. Discard any unused installation or invalid without appropriate license.
- Check in, SAP Market Place - [1945008>DataManagement->SystemInformation] - Make sure you are the person authorized to do this, duly assigned by your company.
- Check your authorization profile on each system, you should proper authorization for USMM running.
- Measurements should be made for the production, development and testing Systems, which means that you must exclude IDES systems (training) and all backup systems.
- Prepare your measurement plan do you think the number of contracts, installation / customer numbers and system identification.
- consult the SAP team regional law for all types of assistance. Yes, they are available and very useful in the field no doubt.

measurement procedure System SAP on Development Systems:

1. Run the USMM transaction code.
2. Select ABAP DEV client on the Client tab.
3. Go to product price lists and select the current price list according to your contract.
4. Select the user types. SAP Application Developer (CA) and test (91).
5. On the Addresses tab, enter the senders name and the recipient's name.
6. Now the most important part, user classification. Run the query by clicking 'classification User' (Shift + F6). Enter customer ABAPer and execute (F8). This will show a list of all users according to the license. Select SAP Application Developer (s) / ABAPer (s) according to your number of ABAP Developer license (s) and assign all other users as user type 'Test'. Make sure that 'user type Checked' completely matched with 'Type User Manual'. If any misalignment found, re-classify selecting all users mismatched and click on 'The selected users now' (Shift + F1). Select contract type of user from the drop down menu and click on Save icon (Ctrl + S). Then run the query again to check all user classification is accurate. Now back to the main screen USMM (F3).
7. What seems to have set the parameters correctly, now is the time to execute the main query, the 'Measurement system', click or press F8. It will take about 5 to 15 minutes to complete all the processes in the background of work, depending on the system and the number of users. So, just sit back and sip a cup of coffee in the meantime.
8. Check the 'statistical measurement' that all the data is how to configure it.
9. Click "Comments" if you want to send a memo to SAP with measurements.
10. Finally, send the online measurement results to SAP clicking 'Send to SAP' or simply press F10.

Now make sure that your router is enabled SAP to complete the online transfer of relationships. You can check the on-line transfer process using the SDCC Tcode or SDCCN, will be discussed later. In the case of consolidation LAW, export the measurement report. Go to the top horizontal menu, Measuring System -> Export to LAW file (Ctrl + F10). Then from the data transfer selection, select 'By Download file' and click Execute (F8). Save the .txt file on the computer for importing later in LAW consolidation. You can also transfer by choosing RFC for Law Center or by email, but in reality as downloading a TXT file is the easiest way to proceed.

Now that you have completed the hard work, wait for the Mayor of SAP License answer by e-mail. They will come up with specific suggestions if you need to fix the selection or re-classification of users. If necessary, submit any of the system fit relationship through the same road as many times as the previous license Mayor asks. Do not keep any relationship in progress, otherwise the check will not be closed for the same year. On the next response from SAP, you will get an e-mail to 'Checking Reports' measure. You just need to check the accuracy of the measurement results and confirm in response to obtain the final certification audit.

Details SAP Software is available the license control and measurement system activity on a live production Tag system of Http://

Strategies for Autism IEP Goals Most experts recommend

1:57 PM Add Comment
Strategies for Autism IEP Goals Most experts recommend -

IEP sick of autism objectives typically include trying to reach the most effective learning, reduced symptom behavior to a minimum, and a 'experience individualized understanding.

An IEP is an individual educational program created for your child's learning experience at school. The PEI provides a uniquely tailored document that directs the educational development for the individual child, allowing teachers, parents and experts to recognize whether you really are making progress.

The parents IEP objectives are searching are a general scheme that includes measurable elements so that the progress - or the lack thereof - may be recognized. There are two levels are the same and each has its own purpose and steps for achieving a further individual educational development.

Parents often wonder exactly what role they play in the development of their child's IEP, its objectives, and its practice. Fortunately, there are many resources that help guide parents along this road at times daunting.

The first thing parents should do is sit down with the instructor (s) of their child to discuss the needs, challenges and various symptoms of autism and behavior of their child. This will help ensure that their children's IEP and its objectives are in fact the laying of a practical, workable foundation for educational services that he or she will receive.

It 'important that the parent understand exactly what it means and how the IEP will be a learning impact of the autistic child. Therefore, parents should always feel encouraged to do their own research, ask for a second opinion, and ask questions if necessary until the IEP is not entirely clear.

Experts recommend that parents think of IEP goals as a process and a document to be set, instead of a concept vague indefinable. In this way, parents are better able to learn about each of the parts of autism IEP and its objectives when creating the final document.

With each new school year, parents become more familiar with the steps for writing IEP goals their children will be working to achieve. They learn many important tips and strategies to get the most out of the IEP meeting for the preparation of the document, such as:

1. Before the meeting occurs, review the information of your child, including those provided on the home, the community (such as doctors, teachers, therapists, etc.), and schools. If you find that the information fails to show the whole picture, make an effort to fill the greatest number of missing pieces as possible. You want to be sure that the picture is painted unique situation of your baby is as accurate as can be. Bring your records to the meeting, including pictures, your child has drawn or painted, any work the child has done, audiotapes, videotapes and / or demonstrating any further details or specific questions you want to share.

2. If your child will be present for all or part of the IEP meeting, be sure to let him or her know in advance exactly how they work the meeting. Inform your child that this is a very important meeting and that all ideas or opinions that he or she may have to help will be useful. You may need to prepare your child almost every part of the meeting and that he or she may need to talk. Talk to your child about the ways in which he or she can express feelings and ideas.

3. Brainstorm with people who know your child - family members, friends, teachers, therapists, tutors and consultants, to example - to get some ideas to bring to the IEP meeting. Write everything down so you will not forget.

4. ask questions to each team member during the IEP meeting so you understand forever. Do not hesitate to ask for further explanations. If you disagree with something, ask more questions and request backup information that will support affirmation of that person. If you have information that indicates something different, do not hesitate to share them.

5. Be thorough about your efforts at the meeting. Make sure that you completely agree with what is being suggested, and with all the language used in the document. Before any of autism IEP goals processes are completed, make sure that you are certain your child's specific needs will be met and that leave no doubt in your mind.

What can I learn from the Greatest Risk Takers in the Bible?

12:56 PM Add Comment
What can I learn from the Greatest Risk Takers in the Bible? -

The greatest Bible characters are known to be risk takers. Even in the midst of uncertainty, fear and peril, go ahead. They are able to give up comfort, power, prestige and security. And they also risk their reputation, the future and their own lives as they face what lies ahead. Both the Old and New Testaments are filled with exemplary figures I can learn from when it comes to taking risks.

In the Old Testament, Abraham and Moses stand. Abraham, an old man in the best-off conditions, set out to an unknown place with his wife, servants, and cattle despite his advanced age and socio-economic stability. These are reasons enough valid against any risk-taking unlikely. How in the world could have opted for such a risky journey into uncertainty? He could have spent the remaining days of his life in comfort and peace.

And there's Moses, the son of a Jewish family that was saved, nurtured and educated by the Egyptian elite and power as their own. It 'been treated to rule Egypt as the Pharaohs. But his life changed, how he discovered its origin. He saw the suffering of his people in bondage. He suffered the oppression view. He committed the crime in defense of his people and from then on his life went out of proportion. Egypt closed on him like the sea and the open desert terrifying risks. What motivated Moses to face many risks in the place of his identity and acquired all the good of Egypt had given him? It could have been better govern alongside the mighty Pharaoh.

In the New Testament, I focus on Jesus and Paul as risk taking models, which impressed me to no end. Jesus, a simple son of a carpenter of Nazareth he left his hometown to proclaim the Kingdom of God for the good of the sick, the poor, the hungry, the oppressed, prisoners and sinners to the point of breaking religious laws for the their own good. His words and actions were messages of peace, justice and love. He also called God Abba the same way a Jewish son face his father, something bold and blasphemous in his time. In this way, it has become a threat to the existing religious structures and ideologies imposed by the ruling religious authorities. In the end, they had Jesus killed their relief and joy. Jesus took risks to proclaim what he believed as a God-given truth. What might have worked in his mind, to the point of giving his life? He could have been safer and more respectable following officers religious standards and the requirements of his time.

The Jesus who took risks and died was the inspiration and model for Paul, once a staunch defender of his religion and persecutor of Christians. His life took a sudden turn at the time of conversion to Christ. His religion that he had provided the prestige, power and holiness suddenly lost its appeal. His zeal in persecuting the followers of Jesus turned into zeal in proclaiming Christ within and beyond the borders of his religion and society. It formed the community in the name of Christ. But both political and religious powers were against him. As a Christian, his life has been put on a number of risks as he faced hunger, persecution, defamation and, consequently, death. What made this devoted Paul turn upside down and suffer all manner of trials? It could have been safe and well under the care of his religion.

risk takers in the Bible, particularly those exemplified, have much to teach me. First of all, I hear that they all had a vision that was above any risk. The promised land and offspring consumed Abraham. Liberation from Egyptian rule and the search of the promised land led Moses. The Kingdom of God was the reason for every word and action of Jesus. To live and die for Christ made Paul run the race to the end. The vision that has captured the biblical characters is the ultimate goal, a clear goal and not negotiable. The risks that come their way are a result of an option taken in view of their vision. Similarly, my life commitments should be guided by a vision - a clear goal or dream that gives meaning to every step I take, no matter what it is likely to come down the road. Risks lose their meaning before the vision that sees me through moments of pain and peril.

Second, I learned that every effort taking risks needs a strong sense of purpose to prevail on the risks. It serves as an inner light to remind me why I'm doing what I'm doing. It pushes me to believe in my abilities and the people around me. And when I run out of personal resources and external aid, I have this light in which he continues to burn. We could call it the courage, determination, focus and willpower that can go beyond the face of adversity limits. Abraham was courageous in his old age. Moses was determined to lead his people to the land of freedom. Jesus did what he did to usher in the kingdom of God on earth. Paul has focused on its mission to proclaim Christ among believers and non-believers. In times of grief, anguish and rejection, they have suffered and wept like any mortal in moments of weakness. But they knew the reason for their pain and fatigue. Risks acquire new meaning because of the light that burns inside.

Third, I learn that I have the power on the risks that God gave me. Call it faith, hope and love, this power is what drives me to victory or success. I sincerely believe that my power is limited, that I tremble at the face of danger, and I lose the courage sometimes for one reason or another. I know that I am fragile and incomplete, and therefore they need help. When there seems to be no way, when they are down, tired and lonely in this journey, and when my strength fail me, I can count on a backup power to bring me. My specimens of biblical risk takers were not supermen. They were able to take the risks because of the power that God has given them. It just has to recognize this power and use it. Paul says he can do everything through Him who gives him the strength (Phil. 4:13).

Finally, once you have the vision, the sense of mission and God's gift of inner strength, the rest is the planning and hard work to the end. And if I do something good that goes against what is ordinary, standard, popular, traditional and official, then as Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Paul, I must be willing to risk my comfort, reputation, safety, and also the future life. After all, risk-taking is not a matter of certainty because no one knows the future. It is a matter of surrender and trust in the One who holds the future. The one who keeps me firmly and with love from birth to death no matter what happens.

How to write your KSA answers to get that today the government work

11:55 AM Add Comment
How to write your KSA answers to get that today the government work -

volatile economic environment and expected layoffs means that many people will be looking for a new job. For many of you, a US government job can offer security, excellent performance, and the work interesting. But be aware: the competition for these jobs is intense and you have to stand out from all the other candidates to get a placement - that is where the KSA becomes a key opportunity you can use to get that government job.

What is a KSA?

The US Office of Personnel Management maintains a searchable database, called USAJOBS that lists government job openings. Once you have signed up online, you will find that specific position openings often require completion of a detailed description of your knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA) in addition to your resume.

Every job that requires a KSA will have specific KSA questions for you to answer usually in about a page of written content. This is not an optional task. You must do this and you must do it right. Each KSA answer is scored by human resources personnel on 0-20 scale that reflects how closely your knowledge, skills and abilities match the complexity, impact, variety, circumstances and interactions that characterize the work for which you they are applying. KSA are often the deciding factor in the evaluation for employment in the US government. So, what are KSA? According to the CDC page on KSA Guide:

Knowledge statements refer to an organized body of information usually of a factual or procedural nature which, if applied, It makes adequate performance on the job possible. A body of information applied directly to the performance of a function.

Skill statements refer to skilled manual verbal or mental manipulation of data or things. The skills can be easily measured with a performance test in which the quantity and quality of performance are tested, usually within a specified time limit. Examples of proficient manipulation of things are typing skills or skill in operating a vehicle. Examples of proficient manipulation of data calculation skills using decimals; ability to editing for transposed numbers, etc.

refer skill statement power to do observable activity at the present time. This means that the skills have been highlighted through activities or behaviors that are similar to those required in the workplace, for example, the ability to plan and organize work. Abilities are different from aptitudes. Attitudes are only the potential to perform the task.

How should you answer questions KSA to improve the chances of getting a place the government work?

The most effective responses to the KSA questions reflect an understanding of the business needs based on detailed analysis of the job description and typical tasking. You should pay particular attention to the keywords used in the job description and use those words to describe your knowledge, skills and abilities.

In general, knowledge is more abstract skills and, thus, can be generalized over many different tasks and responsibilities. Knowledge comes from academic and life experiences including, but not limited to, education and employment. All knowledge that you have that is relevant to the job you are looking for is something that you should include in your KSA answers.

It 'a good idea to brainstorm by yourself and with others, that "knowledge" should be expected, because it may be demonstrated through written answers. For example, let's say that the position requires "to be able to organize a" project. Even if your work experience has not given the opportunity to manage a project, your collecting experience running the PTA funds for one year, even if unpaid, could legitimately be claimed as "experience in managing a project". It is up to you to describe the acquired knowledge in a way that results in the job for which you are applying.

Consider attributes of practicality that can be tested ie, understanding how a spreadsheet can help you manage a budget is knowledge; be able to create an Excel spreadsheet to track expenses is a skill. Pull out the skills required by the job and offer proof that you possess these skills. For example, the position of Pharmacy Assistant requires a knowledge demonstrated by training and skills acquired from previous experiences to deliver drugs and work with customers certified.

How to write an effective response KSA

In responding to KSA questions, you are making claims about your knowledge, skills and abilities. You need to back up these claims with credible evidence. You need to develop your KSA answers with a focus on two key variables: the relevance of the content and quality of presentation. The State Forestry provides an excellent tutorial on the do's and don'ts of writing effective KSA answers.

description of your knowledge, skills and abilities in terms that tie directly to the work by using keywords that are extracted from the job offer. Then "prove" with specific examples of what you can do because of what you did in the past and the context in which you did it. Put compliance with key work requirements at the beginning of the KSA response appropriate or the beginning of a paragraph. For example, if the job requires a degree in accounting, the first place can be said clearly, "I completed my degree in accounting from University XYZ" do it; then continue to describe your experience in accounting tasks.

The numbers can be your friend when it comes to provide evidence for your users. Instead of saying, "I wrote reports " I consider saying, "I have prepared monthly reports on six field trials with a lead time of two days."

Knowledge and skills can also be demonstrated using an overview of your previous responsibilities with examples of specific tasks, describing training or certifications you have received, and citing the awards or recognition for accomplishments. Reviewers like to see action words in your KSA answers and which requires that you write in an active way than a passive voice. I should say: "I analyzed the data ..." and not "data have been analyzed." It is possible to find the largest list of action verbs. Job Skills - power verbs.

In conclusion, the KSA answers must:

  • be concise
  • be relevant
  • be specific
  • have examples quantities
  • make it easy for reviewers to find compliance with key requirements of jobs
  • be action-oriented and construction
  • be well written , with typos and good sentence construction. It 'a good idea to have someone else look over your answers before sending them, because sometimes it is hard to see your own mistakes.
Remember, separate KSA answers those who are qualified for a job to those who are most qualified.

3 ways to measure site traffic - Advantages and disadvantages

10:54 AM Add Comment
3 ways to measure site traffic - Advantages and disadvantages -


Measure site traffic is vital to have the numerical support for the assignment of web design budget. How do you prioritize if you do not know how many and what kind of visitors accessing certain pages? In addition, in-depth analysis can enhance the effectiveness of the site and types of users of the segment. For these purposes one needs to acquire the site usage data.

This can be done basically in one of three ways:

- logs based Server

- records based user

- logs based ASP

All 3 methods have advantages and disadvantages to offer. In this paper the author alludes to the benefits and disadvantages of all three methods. In addition, some technical clarification begiven to explain why each method has its merits.

Basic registers the server

The physical server that is hosting a web site produces a detailed account of each request made page. These data are generated by a 'by-product ' server operating process. Since the analysis web usage is never envisioned when these systems were designed, the nature of these data makes rather cumbersome transform these data in a form that is usable for the analysis.

To make this data useful for analysis, mapping of the 'raw server data' in an appropriate data model requires knowledge of substantive domain. In principle, the data are very 'rich ', but it is labor intensive to extract all the embedded value. In addition, the server must be properly configured in order to generate all the data fields that may be of interest. Reconfiguration is not very difficult, but it requires IT involvement.

Especially when the website hosting is outsourced, such as the reconfiguration could interfere with the needs of the landlord. A machine capable of hosting several other sites. the first server data has a massive layout. For a great place this flows through to the Mega-Giga bytes per day. These data must be stored and transferred to the analytical users. Copies, backup and maintenance of such data must be negotiated with the landlord, often a third-party resource. In conclusion, despite the fact that these data are basically created for free as a byproduct of operation of the website, getting timely physical access to the right data at the right size can be difficult.

user-based log

With records in user base, the web server goes down a small program on your computer for the sole purpose of tracking clickstream data on the customer's computer. This technology has many advantages that are mostly derive from the fact that these programs have been developed for the express purpose of capturing historical data. In this way the very 'data rich' in the most useful format. Furthermore, since the measurement is performed on the client computer, the client is obtained final data centered. On the contrary, the measurement with the server or ASP-based mechanisms is inevitably subject to slight errors of interpretation of the actual delay time that the user is experiencing. This is caused by the fluctuating speed of the connection between client and server or ASP.

However, in recent times, some website owners have developed this kind of applications for purposes quite intrusive and often unpleasant. This technology has come to be known colloquially as spyware or adware. Most consumers are (rightfully) tired to have these applications installed on your computer. the lack of consumer confidence in essence precludes this technology is used, unless the websurfer has agreed in advance. Such voluntarily and deliberately engaged in the surf behavior monitoring is the case for consumer panels (such as Nielsen NetRatings) where people voluntarily participating in research.

In conclusion, this method is useful and powerful, but because of the lack of consumer confidence is no longer applicable in most cases. Only after consumers have given explicit consent in advance is this method a viable option. Monitoring surfing behavior dependent on an intranet can be done in this way, for example.

logs based ASP

With logs based ASP, a dedicated, separate server is put in place to monitor the behavior of visitors navigate on designated sites. For this purpose, a so-called 1-pixel GIF file is located on each page of the site. This is non-intrusive and invisible to the user.

The ASP server is set up for the sole purpose of tracking your surfing behavior (clickstream data). Therefore, the server configuration and data formatting can be optimized for this purpose. Of course, this allows you to capture all the relevant data, and ignoring any of the "fill" that are useless for analytical purposes. This results in much less voluminous storage and optimal data accessibility. The data are modeled in a format that is easily susceptible to analysis.

Conclusion: the only requirement to put a tracking pixel on each page of the site, this method requires minimal effort from the hosts of the site. Data storage and maintenance are made easier due to the dedicated nature of the ASP server. The data are always quickly available, and pre-treatment can be completely automated. The ASP server can be kept in-house or outsourced. Most of the professionals consider this the method of choice.

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