From the beginning of the personal computer (PC) people need external memory. In the following material we will discuss the start of the external storage (floppy disk) to current technologies. PC At the beginning there were only floppy disk drives that were 5 1/4 "wide. The operating system and the applications needed to be loaded into the floppy drive just to run the computer in the early 1980. The hard disk of computer allowed the applications to be loaded into the computer without the floppy drive. During this time, people could store information about these floppy disks and keep it connected to be refueled in the computer later.
l 'original 5 1/4 "floppy required 0KB (kilobytes) of data, but quickly improved to 360KB. To put this in perspective 1 KB is about half of a page of text. Floppy drives were made from a vinyl as a disk that had tracks where the data was stored. The 5 1/4 "Drive topped out at 1.2 MB (megabytes) but were still contained in the fragile disc that was prone to environmental contamination. The format next to come out were 3 1/2" floppy. These were not only smaller but had a plastic case that protects them. Although it began holding only 720KB of data, they were soon able to hold 1.44MB of data and were much easier to store in the cases and out of the site. By the end of 1980 the 5 1/4 "floppy disks were replaced by 3 1/2" format.
During the same period in 1980, the internal hard drive was becoming a standard for the PC as well. There are clear differences between the hard drive storage (think library of information) and memory (RAM - random access memory), and the floppy drive (used to take the information with you). Hard drives started in 5 1/4 "format to store 5 MB (megabytes) of constantly growing data in the course of 1980 until the units Quantum 1.28GB. To put this in perspective 1GB is about 250 MP3 songs . Unlike floppy disks, hard disks have been installed inside the computer. hard drives have continued to make progress reducing their form factor to 3 1/2 "in 190. These hard drives were listed as half a unit height. By 190, the hard drives are rapidly growing from about 40 GB (gigabytes) of total space all the way up to units 3 TB (terabytes) of today.
hard drives continue to shrink with laptop models standardize on 2 1/2 "form factor. The hard drives inside an outer casing, while technically around for some time, were becoming available in the consumer market in standard formats such as USB (Universal Serial Bus), FireWire, and SATA (Serial Attached to), even though the 00 these new formats allowed these fences to be portable enough with a standardized interface (like USB) that allows you to connect to another system painlessly USB. provides a plug and play more generic enabling the system to identify the unit as soon as you connect it. there are few fences on market which can contain multiple drives and even offer RAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks) capabilities. RAID provides the ability to mirror data from one hard drive to another or distance (strip) data on the drives you have. This provides an error proof in the case where a hard disk is lost due to a failure to the computer will not notice any difference in the access to the data as the other hard drives take over.
Although the disks were standardized by the complete (height or half-height form factor) the diversified floppy drive in a full range of products, including USB drives today. At the end of 1980 there was a new format called CD (compact disk) which offered the data stored on a plastic disc with reflective support. These CD drives were 5 1/4 "form factor and fit easily into existing expansion slots in the PC. CD started 680MB of data storage holds about 74 minutes of music and have topped out at 700MB of data. CD became the standard format for removable storage and are still widely used today. in the early 190 Iomega came to the market with the Iomega Zip drive. This external storage device started to 100MB and has grown to 750MB density. cartridge was based continuing "3 1/2 floppy innovation. This new type of storage has several connections to the PC.
In principle the connection was SCSI (Small Computer System Interface), but later developed into a (Universal Serial Bus) USB connection. In 1995 SmartMedia had arrived on the scene Toshiba Corporation. SmartMedia was a small (45 mm) plastic card with a flash memory module that allows direct 2MB of storage, but this quickly grew to 64 MB / 128 MB. These cards were used in digital cameras and other devices which can remove the storage and reading on a PC. Today you can find various sizes up to 32 GB on a single card. Unlike older technologies these new devices were much more robust than the floppy drive, and much more portable. During this same period of time the DVD (digital video disc) has come to the market to replace the CD. This format provided 4.7GB (8.5G Double Layer) of storage space on the same optical disc format that CDs are based. As the density increases Blu-Ray DVD arrived to provide 50GB of storage space with double layer disc is the most common. Blu-Ray offers the best video format high-density now commercially available with 100GB of data that are the standard.
to today as the hard drives and portable external storage have progressed to SSD Flash technology forward (Solid State Disk). This portable storage transformed in view of the ubiquitous USB flash drives people carry around with them. internal hard drives based on SSD technology allow you to use SATA to connect the indoor unit to your PC or laptop. SATA is the common standard for connecting hard drives. These units are more durable and have lower access time. How new emerging technologies such as cloud computing come there will be less demand for portable storage and hard drives. Cloud computing allows you to run the application on the web, while data resides elsewhere (the cloud). Make no mistake the data is stored, not only to the hard disk or floppy.
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