Presentation: SAP ASE board Edition - Retiring Sybase ASE SBE

8:03 PM
Presentation: SAP ASE board Edition - Retiring Sybase ASE SBE -

This could be the biggest announcement from SAP you have never heard of. After leaving the name Sybase from its product names last year, SAP is quietly reshaping its range of database platforms. And I mean this in a good way.

The name of the Sybase ASE there were 2 products; Sybase ASE Enterprise Edition (EE) and Sybase ASE Small Business Edition (SBE). The product of Sybase ASE EE was and still is the flagship and the most commonly known edition of Sybase. But it came with a hefty price ticket. To provide a Sybase ASE database server for the SMB market space, Sybase ASE SBE created, limited to 2 CPU sockets and 8 engines on one physical server, at a very low price.

The revolution of server virtualization has drastically changed the landscape servers and database servers made their transitions to the new world. Most of the newly deployed database servers are virtualized, both on-premise or in the cloud. The Sybase database server Sybase ASE 15.7 EE enabled customers to make the move to virtual servers, with the introduction of the threaded kernel model. SAP ASE 16 EE continued optimization for virtual servers and offers one of the most advanced in the market database server.

However, Sybase ASE SBE has never taken the step into the virtual world, and that was bad news for SMEs, who are trying to save on infrastructure costs. Hence the introduction of the SAP board ASE Edition .

SAP ASE Edition board will retire the old Sybase ASE SBE. It is based on SAP ASE EE 16 edition with a 4-core limit. In addition to this, SAP has pulled out the stops and created an ASE entry level server that contains the features that other databases offer only in their enterprise edition, but set a price point that competes with the standards of other database vendors edition.

The following table shows the comparison between SAP ASE board Edition and Sybase ASE SBE. But pay close attention to the options that are now included, and compare it to other vendor standard offerings.

Limits / options
ASE board Edition
ASE SBE (retired)

Max Motors
No Limit

Max core OS can use
No Limit

Max CPU chips
No Limit

user Max concurrent connections
No Limit


High Availability

Disaster Recovery package

security and directory services


encrypted columns




Active Messaging



In Memory Database

advanced backup Services (TSM)

Enterprise Connect - Oracle

Enterprise Connect - ODBC

  • (Included) X (not available)

SAP ASE Edition board also includes an unlimited number of cores SAP Replication Server Premium Edition, restricted to warm standby capabilities data edge SAP ASE.

If you are using Sybase ASE SBE today in both servers or licenses in user base, you should take a closer look at SAP ASE Edition board. The savings in server virtualization alone can justify the investment.

If you're running a shareware database server and you want to upgrade to an enterprise-class database system running on Linux and Windows servers, you should talk to us about SAP ASE Edition board.

If you plan to implement a commercial database server in your company or product, SAP board ASE Edition should be on your checklist.

Call us today at 813 322 3240 for learn more about SAP ASE Edition board.

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