Surface After removal of the gallbladder

11:54 AM
Surface After removal of the gallbladder -

The gallbladder is a small, pear-shaped sac located under the liver (on the right side of the abdomen), which contains about half a cup of yellow- greenish fluid called gall bladder bile. Bile originates in the liver before moving into the gallbladder, where bile becomes more concentrated 4-12 times. The healthy, functioning gallbladder acts as a storage tank for concentrated bile before it moves into the duodenum (small intestine).

The main function of bile is to help the body digest fats by dividing the fat into fine droplets. It helps pancreatic enzymes divide the fat into small particles that can pass through the intestinal wall.

When the semi-digested food exits the stomach and moves into the small intestine gallbladder contracts causing the concentrated bile to move through the bile ducts into the small intestine. Once the gallbladder is removed the liver bile liquid flows out continuously from the common bile duct directly into the small intestine instead of being stored in the gallbladder. This bile of low-quality liquid liver that flows constantly into the duodenum can not properly digest fat, causing fat intolerance and diarrhea in some people.

Bile is essential to remove the dangerous toxins like bile pigments, bile acids, cholesterol and heavy metals. The antimicrobial properties of concentrated gallbladder bile assists to keep the small intestine by dangerous invaders like the bad bacteria, parasites and yeasts. Consequently, the absence of the gallbladder leads to Candida-yeast and Small Intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) that can create gas and indigestion.

healthy alkaline bile neutralizes the semi-digested food from the stomach acids creating the proper alkaline environment in the small intestine by pancreatic enzymes work. It 'well known that pancreatic enzymes require an alkaline condition in the duodenum to digest the food consumed. When the gallbladder bile is alkaline, indigested food in the small intestine are fermented cause gas, bloating, abdominal cramps, and uncomfortable visits to the bathroom.

The gallbladder acts as a buffer tank to prevent the backup of bile and for preventing high blood pressure in the bile and pancreatic. This high pressure expands the common bile duct which causes pain. The enlargement of the common bile duct is a common finding after gallbladder removal. When there is no gall bladder, the increasing pressure inside the pancreatic duct can cause the activation of pancreatic enzymes within the pancreas and, consequently, inflammation of the pancreas can develop.

The liver, gallbladder, pancreas, duodenum, bile duct valves and muscles working together thanks to the perfect control of the body. Doctors and researchers have discovered that cutting the nerve branches that surround the gallbladder may compromise the correct working of the sphincter of Oddi - the valve between the bile and pancreatic ducts and duodenum. Nearly 20% of patients after gallbladder surgery suffer from erectile sphincter Oddi. Spasm of this strategic port valve to the backup of bile and pancreatic juices resulting in pain, nausea, and possible development of pancreatitis.

gallbladder bile concentration is necessary for intestinal motility, digestion and absorption of fat-soluble vitamins like a, D, and and K. The absence of gallbladder bile creates less peristaltic movement that makes people prone to constipation.

The main reasons for gallbladder surgery are inflammation and / or gallbladder stones. Removal of the gallbladder does not stop the production of stones and inflammation of the bile ducts. Therefore, inflammation and collection of stones, both in the liver and bile ducts, can be often observed in people without gallbladder.

Although the loss of these functions of the gallbladder is not life-threatening, the gall bladder removal can cause many unpleasant symptoms. For some people life after removal of the gallbladder is a miserable existence. This condition is called post-cholecystectomy syndrome. The term post-cholecystectomy syndrome (PCS) describes the presence of symptoms after (surgery of the gallbladder) cholecystectomy removal.

What can you do to lessen the consequences and symptoms of post-cholecystectomy syndrome?

Many techniques-drug free and non-surgical healing can alleviate many of these uncomfortable symptoms. Some of them have been widely used for a hundred years all over the world.

A healing diet is one of the oldest ,, safer and more effective cheaper drugs in the world.

Dietary changes are vital for a person suffering from postoperative digestive problems.

In a healthy, functioning body the gallbladder, pancreas, bile and pancreatic juices are naturally alkaline. All the acidity of the body is a major cause of liver, gallbladder and pancreas malfunction. Acidity causes biochemical changes in bile that makes corrosive irritant to the bile ducts, sphincter of Oddi and small intestine. Aggressive bile acids irrita surrounding liver tissues, causes contractions in spurts and flows. This aggressive mix of sour bile and pancreatic juices in the stomach and regurgitates the esophagus and / or causes spasm of the sphincter of Oddi. This may be the cause of heartburn, nausea and upper abdominal pain often experienced after gallbladder surgery.

An alkaline diet involves eating foods mostly alkaline based and avoiding acidifying foods such as sugars, red meat, soft drinks, dairy products, white flour, white rice, alcohol, etc. a separate diet requires eating only a type of food at one time. Mixing foods such as salad, soup, entree, dessert, soft drinks and alcohol together in one meal, as people usually do, causing a huge strain on the digestive system. When people without gallbladder (which do not have the presence of good quality bile) continue to eat in this way, many symptoms of indigestion such as abdominal pain, nausea, belching, gas, heartburn, diarrhea and / or constipation occur.

Generally, people without a gallbladder have two problems: one is excessive yeast Candida-growth, another is food sensitivities. An elimination diet and anti-Candida diet can be very helpful for these conditions.

In simple chemical that is known to neutralize the acidity of the body needs a lot of minerals and bicarbonates. Unfortunately, the food today contains very little of these vital nutrients, so supplementation is a practical way to get them. The easiest way to get minerals and bicarbonates is to drink mineral water healing.

European doctors have used healing mineral water for hundreds of years. There are many mineral spas in Germany, Austria, France, Eastern Europe and Russia. Thousands of people travel to these baths for cleaning, rejuvenation and healing procedures. The most sought-after mineral water with 500 years of use is the Karlovy Vary thermal spring water in the Czech Republic. It 'hard to believe that the first reference book of medicine the use of this water for digestive problems was written in 1522. Since then, , many medical articles, books, dissertations, and described the healing actions of Karlovy Vary healing mineral water for many digestive and metabolic disorders including post-cholecystectomy syndrome. Millions of Europeans have been drinking healing mineral water prepared by genuine vaporized Karlovy Vary spa facilities at home for more than 250 years.

According to European doctors this mineral water promotes the production of bile and fast transit, making it more alkaline and improves pancreatic function. All these actions are beneficial for people without a gall bladder to improve digestion and reduce symptoms of post-cholecystectomy syndrome.

magnesium-potassium cell, another alkalizing agent, can also reduce the acidity in the body.

How do we know if our body is acidic or alkaline? saliva and urine pH monitoring as a litmus test is the easiest and cheapest way to check the acidity of the body. If saliva and urine pH are often less than 6.6 can be a total body acidity warning signal.

Drinking herbal tea can relieve cramps, gas, heartburn, and indigestion. An experienced herbalist can customize herbal remedies for many conditions. Some formulas from European and Chinese herbal medicines can reduce the amount of stones in the bile ducts, making the liquid bile from the liver and less aggressive, and decrease spasms and pain.

People with post-cholecystectomy syndrome can reduce many unpleasant symptoms using herbal formulas. They are not a quick fix, but in the long run, the herbal remedies are safe and effective.

Some people who have undergone a gallbladder surgery lose the correct interaction between the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, duodenum, and stomach. To normalize this team effort, you can be treated with acupuncture. Acupuncture is the oldest method of healing for digestive disorders. Many medical documents have been published over the past decades, which confirm the positive action of acupuncture in the treatment of post-cholecystectomy syndrome. Another positive result of acupuncture is that it can help cure alcohol and addiction to painkillers.

Medical science has not yet developed a surgical technique to replace the gallbladder once it has been removed. We can, however, control the terrible symptoms of post-cholecystectomy syndrome using various methods drug free and non-surgical healing. These methods are safe, effective, and relatively cheap and can be used in combination with modern medicine.

The information contained in this article is presented for, for educational information purposes. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment and advice of a licensed qualified professional.

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