How to Copy and Play Xbox 360 without a Mod Chip

6:49 PM
How to Copy and Play Xbox 360 without a Mod Chip -

With the Xbox 260 to be one of the most popular and advanced games console in the world, it's no wonder that millions of people want to backup or copy your games legal they own for it. However, some people become reckless decided to copy illegally, Microsoft Games has put all kinds of security measures on the 360 ​​disks, preventing them from being duplicated. This is a big deal if you want to protect your games from damage ... but fortunately, there is a way around this that you can do without a mod chip.

The problem with the Xbox 360 games is actually very simple. On the disc itself, Microsoft encodes a series of "security." These are the parts of the DVD that tell Xbox on what game is and that 'a legal copy. Each time you insert a game disc into your console, the Xbox look if you got these security sectors. If you can find intact, we will play the game ... but if not found, or are corrupt, then it will refuse to play the game.

This means that if you want to copy or back up an Xbox 360 game that you have, then you just need to be able to duplicate the game disc with the security sectors intact. And unfortunately, these parts of the DVD are actually invisible to almost copy of the game tools, which means that if you try and copy them, the sectors they will not get copied and you will have made another mountain (which is the term for a copy dud) .

Get a tool or method that can copy your games perfectly (with the areas of security) is seen as the "holy grail" of backup communities and coping. It is the holy grail because there are very few methods and tools that allow you to copy games and play duplicate without a modchip. However, we were lucky enough to find in reality a tool that can do this for you

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