nuclear submarines perform some of the most complex missions in our military. These missions are achieved in which the only acceptable standard hard Terra Madre environments is one with zero defects. These 7000 tons, $ 2 billion warships are powered by a nuclear power plant, using some of the most advanced technology on the planet, and the average age of a crew member is 25 years.
When a submerged nuclear submarine and the execution of its mission, there are very few manage to dangle carrots in front of the crew. Holiday? No. Salary increase? No. Go home early? No. However, precise attention to detail must be maintained 24/7 for months. This standard can only be achieved with a crew that is motivated, committed and talented.
Of course, the average person who volunteers for the nuclear submarine service is not exactly representative of his generation. However, bringing the younger generation on board a nuclear submarine has taught me some valuable lessons about leading Millenials on site civil work.
- he needs a sense of purpose. You do not need a vital mission importance to national security to provide them with this purpose. This effect does not even have to be of the "save the world". However, we must challenge with a well-connected, carefully measured, and challenging goals. Many companies still accept the concept, implicitly, which is fine for a new hire to wander aimlessly for a year or two, while learning how the company operates through trials and tribulations. This philosophy has never been a stellar, but the companies were able to get away with it - no more. One of the biggest differences between Millennials, and the generations that preceded them, is not ideological; it is a model of lifestyle decisions. Millennials are, on average, holding off the make binding decisions (marriage, children, houses) in their early twenties. Post why? I'll let someone else address, but it's true. Their desire to work toward a "goal" is not more intense than any other generation, but their decisions to hold off on making commitments that bind them to a fixed salary provide them the freedom to explore the labor market without being afraid the uncertainty of unemployment abyss.
- must feel connected to the organization through senior leadership. On a submarine, most of the crew sees the Officer Commanding newspaper. Best Commanding Officers you make as visible and accessible as possible. They do this because they recognize that their position as the senior person on board the submarine offers them a unique opportunity - visibility representing the organization. It does not take much, but when the commander knows your name, your qualification status, your favorite football team, and what city you grew up in - the desire to be connected to the organization through his leadership is scratched. The lament that Millennials feel entitled to be the VP of Operations before they can mean "Operations" is just not true. They do however expect that the VP of Operations to engage them on a personal and professional level, even if they are several levels above them in the chain of command. On the surface, this expectation may seem reflective of a disrespectful approach to the organization chain of command, but this is not true. Have been raised in the world smaller "" that humanity has ever known as "connected" and. They interact directly with their celebrity idols on Twitter every day and hold e-mail to Bill Gate in the palm of their hand. There is no way to expect this group to embrace a culture where senior executives do not frequently engage with the future of the company.
- Leadership which demonstrates that the organization cares their future. Millennials are hungry for real leadership. Leadership that provides light in the darkness of uncertainty suffered by professional Millenials significantly nuanced our professional world of increasing complexity. Where are their leaders? There is no doubt in my mind that the leadership he needs is available in their organization. There is also no doubt in my mind that corporate America is blind to the benefits of the "white space". As we close ourselves behind closed doors for hours and hours of conference calls marginally productive, the company's future is on the opposite side of desire for tutoring leads that often only needs to take the form of -? "How's your week going Tell me on project x that you are working. "At no point in our career we spend more time handshakes our career options and alternative pathways in our first decade in the workplace. Despite what some claim, Millennials do not ask for a roadmap for a level position C, but expect the leaders and mentors that are available to guide and mentor. because of the 24/7 lifestyle that a nuclear power plant requires Submarine, each crew member interfaces to their leaders and mentors daily. This availability of interaction alone goes a long way toward keeping the younger members of the crew motivated. a mentor of mine, captain (Ret) Ken Swan, once reminded me that "your people do not care how much you know until they know how much you care. "
- access to information. Millenials are conditioned to have a world of knowledge at hand since they were children. Therefore, if you are in an environment full of figurative "access denied" or "Error 404 - Page Not Found", their discontent should come as no surprise. Their desire to know more about the rest of the organization is a blessing, not a curse. ancient engineers want to know the company's marketing plan. graphic designer millennial want to know the quarterly financial results of the company. The "stay in your lane" adage has never been awarded a management style, but now is a suicide because Millenials not remain in a work environment where they feel stuck. Embrace this wave of unprecedented intellectual curiosity through cross-training programs, access to milder information policies, and informal discussions on the company's operations. nuclear submarines on, it's almost impossible not to know the activities of other divisions and departments. In addition, cross-training was not only permitted, but encouraged. I was on a submarine where one of the qualified operators of the sonar cooks, and became a damn good player in his spare time between making 150 meals four times a day.
- They need to be heard. This desire is the most generationally distinct element in our list. This generation does not subscribe to the conventional wisdom of "wait your turn" and "the day will come." Where this change in philosophy derives it is worthy of its own article, but suffice to say, there. I observed no evidence, in or out of the Navy, to suggest that this is a generation that thinks he has all the answers, but it is a generation that knows that sometimes they do. . . and they are right. Nuclear submarine in the community, we honor a principle called the watch team backup deeply rooted and time-tested. This principle encourages everyone to be constantly listening and processing of all that is going on around them, and if they hear something that sounds good or not believe they have a better way, they not only have the opportunity to express their thoughts but they are obliged to do so. I can not count the number of times that the youngest person in the control room saved the day because he saw something or thought of something no one else did. I observed an unspoken principle, but rather active in the opposite direction in corporate America. The perceived validity of an idea is often more linked to seniority of the person in it that the virtues of the concept. This, my friends must change.
Unravel the secrets behind the mysterious race of humans called the Millennials is certainly in vogue. Given the unique nature of the nuclear submarine culture, this military community becomes a "preview" of each generation. My experiences in the nuclear submarine community and outside of it, give it to me with confidence that Millennials are a generation full of energy, ambition and unprecedented capabilities. Ultimately, as we adapt our organizations to accommodate their unique approach to their career, and simultaneously assimilate them to our existing operations, both groups will emerge from the process stronger and better equipped to manage the rapidly changing needs of our future operations organizations.
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